Happy Sunday. Today is National Happiness Happens. I believe that happiness doesn’t just happens. It takes work from the inside out! Happiness is a personal journey!

Happiness is a Choice
Although every moment of our lives can’t be overwhelmingly happy. It’s still our personal choice to do all that we can to walk in our own personal happiness. Personal happiness is all about what makes us whole. Wholeness is a journey within itself. There are moments of wholeness that we struggle with our life’s choices. Sometimes we make the mark and often times we don’t.

What Makes You Happy?
This is the beginning of the journey when you travel down this road of discovery. This question will change as your personal needs changes. What made me happy in my 20s aren’t the same as what makes me happy in my 40s. We evolve daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. Don’t allow people to make you feel bad for those changes. I struggled for years as I needed to evoke change and not having people agree with those changes. It wasn’t until almost my 30s when I learned that happiness was personal.

Self Care and Happiness
I make it a personal joy to do something daily towards my self-care. Self-care helps to determine the level of happiness and engagement in life. We are always pushed to help others reach their highest potential while depleting ours. This is why for women who tend to be nurtures we forego our personal happiness in honor of those in our lives. Same for mother. In order to be great mothers we are conditioned to put ourselves last. It wasn’t until these last couple of years that we are learning to be who we need to be by putting ourselves first and then extending outwardly!

Self-Care Fails
Failing at self-care is easy! When we don’t take that time our for ourselves it becomes easier to make excuses for personal happiness. We tend to say that we will go back to it but often times we don’t. Our happiness comes when we find ways to focus on our goals. When we fail at our focus we also can’t tap into our happiness either!
Enjoying Life
One thing you can’t do when you’re not happy is enjoy life. We know life is hard. Life brings some of the worst moments people can experience. Finding ways to enjoy that life is key. Taking time to smell the flowers, wear that bathing suit, eat the cake, or to simply smile, is a few ways to enjoy and walk in your personal happiness.

How to Manage Happiness When Others Around us Can’t or Won’t?
No amount of love can make another person happy. So supporting while maintaining your own happiness is key. I’ve seen couples fall apart together in tough times like this. Remembering daily who you are and moving towards positivity is going to be monumental in not allowing your spouse be the thief of your happiness.

I’ve experienced this many times. For instance I had to support my husband in his journey and he mine. We aren’t responsible for one another’s happiness. It’s hard. When you want what’s best for your loved one but can’t make them walk in it-it sucks! Having the downside of seeing a loved one suffer with no ability to shake them; is debilitating.
Expressing Happiness
It’s important to find ways to express your happiness. I like to do that in a number of ways:
- Being honest of when I’m not happy
- Taking a walk to clear my head
- Enjoying time with friends
- Going to a bookstore
- Dancing to my favorite song
- Indulging in my favorite drink
- Spending time with my family
- Singing an upbeat song
Protecting Your Peace
It’s more important that you protect your peace. It’s key in maintaining your happiness. This means that not everyone can be in your inner circle. It’s imperative that as you make daily changes, that you take barge of your happiness. This also means controlling who has access to you as well! It’s not the best feeling to change your circle but not everyone has your best intentions in mind. So be happy around those who helps your happiness blooms!

So happiness is a personal journey, who are you taking on that journey? What won’t you allow as you self-care daily? How will you maintain your peace? Answer this, and you maintain your happiness because it doesn’t happen if you don’t allow it! Take charge of it today!