Happy Sunday! Let’s face it as much as we love the weekends it can be hard when you get hit with a rainy day. If you’re like me and still very much in the house having places to readily go to can be a daunting task. So what are some of the activities that we do on a rainy day like today in Philadelphia?
Board Games
I know we are mostly on electronics but don’t count out board games. My husband and I recently took a trip to Target and got 2 games. One of the games was Hungry Hippo. The excitement I personally had was elevated. Once we added the kids into it, the fun was even more increased. It became so competitive that time didn’t seem to exist! People say all of the time that kids are on their phones too much. My response to that is, what are you doing to change it? My children don’t have phones but they do have Kindles. You can control their time on them.
Bucket of Fun
I try my best to keep a bucket of fun on hand at all times. These are items that you can from the Dollar Store or even Five Below. This is great for school age children who seem to always claim they are bored. It’s another way to take them away from electronics. It’s up to parents what they want in there. I like things like Yo-Yo, Jacks, slime (choose wisely), arts and crafts, etc. The possibilities are endless. It’s by the door or whatever designated spot you choose. Also parents get in there with them and play! Also add some water play in there. Have a designated area for this type of play! It’s all about fun.
Books are Cool
Either I have some pretty cool kids or I’m extremely blessed or both but we keep books in our home. Our kids are the type that when we are out they will see a book they want to add to their collection and we will get it. Always keep books at a child’s disposal. Learn the things that your family has interests in and have books on it. I’ve even found books on video games for my son. We do an hour or so of reading time. Play soft music, have snacks available and make into a thing. Simply by changing the mentality and creating an environment conducive to reading makes a difference.

Family Movie Night
I know that just like your house your kids are all over the place. We have our basement dedicated to offices and a play area. Our children are more inclined to be in that area. My oldest has built her own art studio and if we can’t find her that’s where she is. I’m usually creating content and my husband is working or watching television. Oh but when we call a movie night it brings us all in one room together. I’m a little extra so I will create at home movie snack packs to mimic being at the movie theatre. I’ve been doing this since my children were about 2. They absolutely love it. I keep these types of snacks in rotation. Being prepared is my specialty. You can also make it like a charcuterie board too. Here is an example:
Beauty Day
This may go over your son’s head but teaching children to take time out for their body is healthy too. I have kiddie masks that I usually grab at the dollar setting of Target. When I do my facials at home I allow my daughters to do the same. We put on music and dance and make fun of one another and have a good time. My son usually playing with my husband. The few times he’s wanted to be where we are, I have co-ed masks for him too. Skin is skin and both men and women have to take care of it. So there’s nothing wrong with a boy taking good skin care as a focus too!
Coming Together
This is such a small list of family oriented activities. What makes your family’s fibers will differ. For me it’s about taking a time out. Although we have been living under one roof especially during this pandemic, we all need to reminder to come together. This means everyone taking a break from their long list of to-dos and enjoying each other’s company. Imagine all of the memories that can be made by doing simple ideas. It doesn’t have to break the bank. Just simply having moments where you’re not fighting or arguing, or stressing and simply loving on one another.
Examples of indoor activities:
- Hide and seek
- Baking
- Play Doh
- Make dinner or other meal together
- Indoor camp
- Indoor bowling
- Puzzles
So at your next rainy day, what are your to tos? Post them on this Instagram post and I’ll highlight a few in my stories!