
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

I love what I do. I love blogging and giving advice or for me sharing what works for me. I believe there are a lot of people who benefit from hearing about the common things that we all go through and finding hope in knowing they are not alone. My intentions are never to be who you look up to. I think we all can find a balance in looking inward and not outward.

With that in mind there is always a time when you have to know that when you’re on someone’s page, following them, etc when enough is enough. So yesterday I was on a fellow bloggers’ page. Usually they have some great insight but….the past few weeks you could tell the blogger was going a bit left for my taste. Then they started making statements that to ME came off as super judgmental, harsh, rude and it became clear that the blogger no longer fit what I wanted to partake in. So I simply stopped following them. Why as a blogger, would I talk about not following someone, because in life you’re taste will change. That’s life!

You have to understand that in every area of your life you should be changing. You shouldn’t be the same person from years ago. You should be willing to let go of anyone or anything that no longer serves your well being. The part that hurts is when you have an emotional attachment. Although hard if whatever you don’t want to walk away but should takes over your mental and emotional well being then you must do what you must to remove it. It will not kill you but it will kill the parts in you that needed to die.

Not following someone is easy in social media world but the same way I hit the button is the same way you need to hit the button mentally and emotionally and stop giving access to drama and foolishness in real life. Once you do you will see how beneficial it was to let it go. Walk away when you’re done. Just because you go to a buffet doesn’t mean you have to try every piece of food there. Only take what you need at first and then add a few wants and step away. That principle alone will serve your purpose in every area. You can’t take on everything and everyone! You have to walk away to preserve your essence!

I get a lot of folks asking me why do I talk about myself or getting Folks on board to looking within? Simple, everyone always logging in, looking, worrying and being consumed about what the next person is doing and not enough on self preservation. It’s like being on a plane and seeing the plane crashing but walking up the aisle making sure everyone is okay. That is so noble to worry about others but even worse when you realize that your nosiness or curiousness has allowed everyone to move on while you have invested very little in the things that concern you. No one will watch out for you like you should! Stop aspiring to be like, look like, or be caught up in everyone’s tea but can’t brew a hot pot of life for your own!!

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