
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen


It’s no secret that in the Summer we tend to more relaxed. As we switch over to Fall there are some amazing ways to keep the same type of vibes into the new season. Fall is a fantastic way to switch gears before the holidays come and take over our lives. What were some of the highlights so far in your Summer that you really liked? Let’s add them into the new season.

Fall Reset

As we plan for the Fall it’s imperative to write down the goals that you plan to accomplish in this season. Goal planning is not exclusively just for vacations or holidays. Seasonal goals are wonderful way to break the year into smaller goals for the year. So, as we progress into the Fall, what are the things that are important to you? If you do nothing write out your goals by separating each area of your life and how you plan to make it happen. No longer are we writing goals without clearly defined plans of making it happen.


Consider environmental changes too. Often you may want to move from where you are to a new location. That takes money. So, if the money isn’t there how can you make where you are now work while you actively pursue a new location. Develop a savings plan. Start a new location fund. Find ways to cut cost that can go towards the savings fund. There are talks of a recession, cut your debt. Consider adding in a side hustle. Think about jobs that already have a lack like the health or restaurant industry.

Plan a Fall retreat for you or your family. Consider plan a staycation or find ways to add day trips to your favorite Fall fun.  Also look for free fun by Googling, church bulletin boards (announcements), or look in your inner circle.

Mental Health in the Fall

Summer brought a laid-back vibe. As it gets a little cooler often, we tend to get a little depressed in the way we think or move. So don’t let that happen. Be as direct in your mental health with a wellness check in. For instance, check in with your doctor or health care profession. Is it time for a medication check? Make an appointment as early as possible. Schools are going back so you will contend with physical scheduling and more. Do not wait until the last minute to prioritize yourself. If you tend to find that as your schedule switches it messes with you mentally and you are seeing a therapist, reach out to them. If you do not have a therapist, consider seeking one. Remember therapy is a tool. You may need to find a tool like a mental health app and more to assist you too.


Full Body Check-In

Taking care of your health comes from many forms not just mental. Take an assessment into how well your body is doing. When was the last time you met with a nutritionist? Often, we think that having a nutritionist is too expensive. Some of the help that we need comes from asking out primary caregivers for some help. There is communality help for nutritionist too. Churches may bring in someone in the community to help. Ask those in your own circle. Closed mouths don’t get fed and it’s true we have a wealth of support in the midst that we need to outsource too. Let’s not just pray about our health but actively make our health a priority.


So many in our communities would rather not know what is going on as if not knowing will become an instant healer. Also, in finding out about your health be an active participant in its success. Eat well, become active, develop a better relationship with your healthcare provider or simply find one that you relate to. Full body transformation goes well beyond simply attempting to become a gym rat. It’s about understanding your needs and being active to making it come to past.

Group or Accountability Partner-Fall Vibes

Consider making a Fall walk or work out group. There is more accountability in a group than there is with just yourself. If you’re not ready for group work, get one person who motivates you to be your accountability partner. This partner can not only check in with you on your physical health goals but can encourage you on the days when you are ready to give up or aren’t feeling your best. Be willing to be receptive to criticism when necessary. Setting aside your ego for your personal betterment.


New season means it’s time to switch the focus. While we add in school schedules, jobs, life, health, and more-take some time to add in self-care. As the Fall comes in, consider decorating your home to prepare. Add in one last summer fun before Fall comes in.


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