
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Relationships are not always easy.  In movies and television they always show two people falling in love and riding out into the sunset.  Que in the big awww.  However back on planet reality, relationships require work.  It’s so easy to get in and out of love.  Well good people grab your container cause we need some water.

When you’re dating someone you call them just to hear their voice.  You also make romantic gestures and cute dates.  What if the person you were dating juat stopped?  No calls, no more one on one time, no more holding hands, and sweet kissss?  More than likely the relationship would end.

Well, what is the ingredient?  Water.  No matter what you call your water it’s definitely necessary.  I know by now you have heard the phrase, water your own lawn cause the grass isn’t greener on the other side, right?  That’s a real statement. We spend so much time admiring how brother watermelon is treating his girlfriend or wife that we neglect our own relationship.  We spend more time seeing what sister Suzy is doing we neglect the jewel we have at home.

In order for you to have a lasting relationship you need to put time, attention, and care.  And let me be clear it doesn’t stop at marriage.  Marriage isn’t the end game of you got them so you are good to just exist and get on each others nerves. I’ve heard men complain about giving flowers or trinkets of appreciation to their wives, my question is if you’re not doing it than who will?  Aren’t you supposed to show beyond financial responsibility that you care?  This isn’t the 70s where men showed love through the bills being paid.  Women know they deserve their basic needs met as well as time invested in them as a person.

Now your thing may not be flowers, insert your thing.  Ladies, we’re not off the hook either.  Instead of complaining to your man that he’s nothing like bro watermelon how about you find what makes your husband smile and do that.  Yes everyone male and female want to be treated well.  No one wants to be taken advantage of. 

Relationships need to connect more than just a status update on Facebook.  Real connections that are sustaining to your well being.  More smiles, less arguing and more communicating.  Some folks reach out to their online friends more than their spouse.  Don’t give me excuses about time.  I’m a firm believer that people make time for what’s important to them.

So how much watering have you done to your relationship?  Is your grass well fed?  Is your mate feeling loved and adored?  You do know there’s a difference than merely just going through the emotions.  Do you feel loved all over and invested in.  News flash what you won’t someone else will so don’t open the door. 

It’s time to water so you can reap or you will reap where you haven’t sown and the harvest will leave you destitute.

Water please?!


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