
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Well I am hoping that your week has been a good one.  Mine has been and is expected to get much better.  This is my birthday weekend trip with the girls.  I am super excited.   My last time traveling them was in 2013 maybe to Miami and before then in 2008 Miami again.  I love Miami if you can’t tell.  However this time we switching things up and being grown in the city of Chicago.  It’s important for me as a woman to keep my connections as tight as possible.  On this journey to keep myself rounded means I can not only tap into my domesticated titles aka mommy and wife. I am first Toi and Toi needs to be happy and whole to be the best in those titles.  I have some new blogs coming out about how we ladies have to be strong and confident even when things and others attempt to pull on our insecurity.  Insecurity creeps in all of us, men too.  The best thing is when you can look into the mirror and smile at the creation that God made you and be happy in your skin.  I know it seems I am on all this self-improvement but if you don’t have self-love what do you have?  I had to have an ugly cry this week.  It was super cleansing but like momma always say cry on your own time don’t let these folks see you sweat.


  1. Trump care or F the Obama care as I have seen it described is on its way to be reversed.  Trump’s full agenda isn’t fully clear but the basis is if you are poor or old, you better not get sick or be screwed.  Nothing about healthcare under Trump will appease women either.  I am super glad I am not pregnant right now.  My anxiety would be that much more in a spiral.  My suggestion is to start with your local government.  Be vigilant to get the facts and stay away from the foolishness which will be super hard given leadership is almost dipped in it.
  2. Basketball for women is now allowing for hijab.  This is a great thing.  I think that in this melting pot of a world we need to allow those who to express their religious and culturally difference.  So this is a step in the right direction.
  3. Flying which I am doing right now are having issues lately.  It started with United Airlines and now Delta is getting into the action.  A family was kicked off a flight with kids after a mix up about seating. I think the airlines are about to have a major overhaul with how they treat customers. It’s about time.  Wouldn’t you want to keep everyone safe and happy to keep the coins coming in?  No?!
  4. Trayvon Martin will receive a posthumous degree in aeronautical science from Florida Memorial University.  It would be even better if Martin was here to pursue and earn his own degree but his life was cut short after he was shot and killed in 2012 by George Zimmerman.  We still hurt over the degree by which black men are devalued.
  5. Last but certainly not least, 15-year-old Jordan Edwards was shot and killed by police as he was leaving a party.  It is speculated that he and the occupants of the vehicle including his brother was shot at while leaving the scene.  No it is not being said that they were causing a disturbance, they were just black and an over zealous cop shot and killed him.  Now I can’t imagine knowing my brother is in the car bleeding to death as I am hand cuffed and being questioned. My hurt goes out to Edwards family and all families in these situations. I am not anti cops I have cops in my own family, but I am anti racist cops who are out here innocent people.

Personal Highs

I am 2 more pounds down and 5 to goal.  Yay! I can’t tell you how excited I am for this goal. I have worked hard, ate right, worked out tired and exhausted but I am super close.  Also this week my daughter is killing it in school.  I am super happy when my kids do what they need to do.  We teach them nothing in life is free.  It takes hard work.  She also will be having her first communion.  I am proud of her choice to step up and apply what she wants in her life.  Can’t be mad at a child that actively tries to apply herself?! Way to go Naila!! Oh did I mention that we both have birthdays coming up.  May is a good month for the Storr women!!!!


  1. Protect your babies-the amount of cruel and deadly force being used on kids is heart breaking.  A lot of it comes from non parental aka boyfriends and side pieces that we as women leave them with cause we just “love him.”  You better make sure he love them babies just as much as you do and don’t leave them with these men so freely giving them access to harm your babies.

Personal Lows

This has been a crazy week. I have done some over time and the exhaustion has been unbelievable.  However I have slept a little better than last week.  This week has been about controlling my negative thoughts.  I am one of those thinkers so when something has been said I have to admit my get back is quite strong.  I will begin to think of ways to get cha.  However because I am more mindful of it I have tried to combat it with positive thoughts and know that people will usually get theirs.

Also I will blog about an argument I had this week.  It wasn’t a full argument but as I never want to put my business out there are a few things that women need to get from it and that and that alone I will talk about.  Everything is about learning and growing.

Well again I will most likely blog a little less this weekend as my girls and I will have the time of our lives.  But next week I will be releasing some new and old mom blogs in honor of Mother’s Day.  If you still want to participate in the Mother’s Day blog for next week please email me at toitimeblog@gmail,com


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