
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen


I was asked this question and at first I was like would anyone want to know that.  First let me say that this is not a blog to get a thang! I am good.  Nor is this blog to help or aid my husband in any of his gift giving endeavors.  He already gives the most amazing gifts and listens to me when I talk.  Not only that I have kindly made him a little cheat sheet a few weeks ago.


Blogging and the Holidays

So for me I am a creature of habit and a creature of comfort.  I like the things that I have been eyeing all year-long over trendier items. If the item is in trend it has to align with something I was already thinking. Last year I wanted a laptop so I could bring more content and I got that.  I would have been super happy with that alone. Laptops ain’t cheap but the investment into my blog made it feel like it was a good idea.  It was.  My husband as he always does went above and beyond. Shout out to Marques for always thinking of me.

Self Care and Blogging

This year I made a list all year-long of things I wanted.  I got some of the items myself.  Like for instance I wanted some Daisy Perfume by Marc Jacobs.  One my most recent girls trip I got a bottle.  I had been eyeing it and made the decision of why not.  So that is how I like to enjoy holiday gifts.  I really make a list of all the things that mom guilt has told me to wait on and get them at the end of the year if I haven’t done so during the year.


So things like new clothes or specific pieces that I may had my eye on.  I like things that are about comfort and will cost me less money down the line.  For instance gift cards to go to Soul Cycle sessions.  Gift cards are never a tacky thing for me.  I shop like I am rich after Christmas and you can’t tell me a thing.  So for some its an issue with me never.  I love stores like Starbucks, Target, Ulta, etc Anything where I can get what I want and not what someone things I want is always a nice thing.  One year I got over $350.00 in gift cards and you couldn’t wipe the smile in my face.  I felt like I was a shopping goddess and I had a lot of things that lasted.

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Things that I love in Blogging and Life

I love things that like gift cards to nail salons or facials.  Anything where I can zone out and make an excuse to increase me time.  When I go I make it my business to leave the little folks behind with their dad of course and I over extend my me time to the fullest.  Like walk every aisle with coffee really slow type of shopping. I don’t even like going to stores unless it’s after the holidays.  Other than that I get my typing fingers ready so I can make sure that I get the good deals too. Here is a listing of blog equipment that new or experienced bloggers may need.


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This Christmas I am still in the comfort business.  Anything soft like a new throw pillow, pajamas that feel great, beauty products, etc I love.

The holidays aren’t about getting but if I am going to get I like it to feel like it’s the end of the year comfort party, but honestly the events of the holidays are what I really enjoy most.  This time is magical I plan on taking it in gifts or not!

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