
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

I have been in quarantine not sleeping well. I know it has so much to do with the fact that we have so much stress going on with all of this Covid-19 talk. People are dying, the virus is super contagious. Its scary to say the least. So my sleep has been interrupted. I have tried several things until I got a FabFitFun box and they had a weighted sleep mask. Now so just so we are clear this is not a sponsored post. I simply found something that worked for me and the FabFitFun box is where I received it.

What Have I Tried?

So before I got the weighted mask I tried a few things like put myself on a sleep schedule. That was a joke. The first night that I attempted it, I found that I needed give myself time to finish my deadlines and the only time I could do it was more at night. At night my own children were struggling to go to bed. We kept them on the school schedules during the week and found that they were not sleeping for about 3 hours past the time they were supposed to.

So they were in bed at 8pm and wouldn’t go down until 11 and that was the time my husband and I started to work. 11pm start to play catch up meant we were going to bed at around 3am and starting our day again at 8am. I can’t function well on 5 hours of sleep especially when I would be up every hour on the hour. I was starting my day irritable and grumpy trying to teach the kids and at least do the shell of my work and do the whole repeat all together. Talk about draining. The other nights that I was able to catch up on work I found that I was watching television late.

Television Increase?

I am not an avid television watcher outside of these Covid-19 times. Attending events 4 days a week at minimum so by the time I came home I would be back on my laptop to get the blogs typed and completed. I didn’t invest into a lot of television working. So now that element of my time is now changed I find that I am watching television in real time or at least catching television well within the same day of its airing. Its hard to try to navigate a balance when life is completely unbalanced.

Wine and Sleep?

As much as I love my wine and I really do even on nights where I would purposely have a glass of red wine hoping it would assist me into a deep night of sleep. I would fall asleep fast and wake up an hour later. I couldn’t understand it at all. So red wine isn’t keeping me asleep what should I do. I started having a second glass of red wine thinking it was a need for an increase but it didn’t work.

Reading and Journaling

One of my go tos was to read or journal. If i fell asleep and had a dream which was really out of control, writing it down didn’t help at all either. Cracking out a book and reading several chapters normally would make me go to sleep. Even my parent’s trick of reading the Bible to put me to sleep didn’t work. I was stuck in trying to get myself together after writing my feelings down or reading.

FabFitFun Weighted Mask

So I began to research weighted blankets and weighted masks. As I did Instagram showed me FabFitFun came across. I looked into it as I had seen the advertisements before. I saw they had a weighted masks. The masks on their own in my research cost around $20 or more. The FabFitFun box was 39.99 with a 20% coupon so it made sense. I always wanted to try so why would I spend $20 on one mask when for a few more dollars I could get regular size items into a beautiful box at that comparable price. It made sense. The process was easy and in less than a week the box arrived. I let the box after I sprayed it down, sit for 48 hours.

I finally tried the weighted mask and the first night I purposely didn’t drink wine, journal, or read but I slept from 10pm until 11am the next day. That’s about 11 hours of sleep and it had never been done before. I was hooked. Since then my sleep has been great. I have also ordered a weighted blanket and once I add that I know my sleep will be amazing.

FabFitFun Spring Box

FabFitFun Sleep Mask

I recommend the sleep mask. I think the benefits of making my room super dark and it stops me from tossing and turning helps. I’ll do a post on the weighted blankets too. I know many people who don’t like things on them stopping them from moving but I move way too much. I usually just about kick my husband out of the bed and our bed is a King. This helps me to have like focused sleep and I have had great energy and I see my ability to want to workout etc. For me that’s more than enough paid for the box for sure.

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