
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Wine in the Wilderness

The Black Best Friend and Phila Artist Collective presents Wine in the Wilderness by Alice Childress. What a dynamic production that touches on what being a Black woman is. Black womanhood, who defines her? Is it society? Is she even allowed to coexist and be free without judgement? She can be duplicated but not appreciated right?

Black Womanhood within Wine in the Wilderness

It’s amazing to me in this production in how Black Womanhood is on display. On the canvas Bill, played by Akeem Davis who is carving out the most perfect Black woman. She’s regal and honorary in her appearance, mannerisms, and the way in which she carries herself. She isn’t “ghetto,” loud, or even opinionated. She’s soft, understanding, loyal but nothing like he meets when he meets Tommy played by Ciera Gardner. Sound familiar? Everything that a Black woman has then and now been under a microscope. Black womanhood has been dissected more than frogs in a biology class. Who is she? Who is she allowed to be. She’s not allowed to simply be. To simply be would mean that she would be able to be multifaceted in any way she chooses.

Wine in the Wilderness

Problematic within Our Own

We get introduced to Old Timer played by Brian Anthony Wilson. He enters the scene as he’s looting from the riots. The backdrop of this story is taking place during the riots in the Harlem Renaissance. A time when Blackness is being broken and put together. We see Bill getting on Old Timer about why is he taking “advantage” of what is happening. Tearing up your “own.” This destroying of own will come up time and time again. It’s easy for Bill to see tangible of Old Timer’s stealing. He doesn’t see it when it’s in the form of Black womanhood or even the Black experience.

My “Brother/Sister” in Wine in the Wilderness

What is the meaning of sisterhood or brotherhood? What a loaded question. Bill is trying to make a triptych. So far he has the innocence with a portrait of a neighborhood girl. The African queen embodies the Black woman that once was and the messed up chick is Tommy. If that isn’t enough it wasn’t Bill who is problematic and layered in narcissistic ways, but Sonny Man played by Keith Livingston, and his wife, Cynthia played by Natajia Sconiers who recruited Tommy. Who is my Sis and Bro when you have your own willing to stoop as low to recruit you for such a project? Like in modern times we sit and tear down our own all the time.

Wine in the Wilderness

We devalue each other and stand on our high horse when outsiders do it too. How much worse. A Black woman is the most unprotected. No solace within or outside.


Can we redeem ourselves from this tearing down that we are in? Is it possible to heal after such a rippling effect that is conveyed in Wine in the Wilderness which is also the same effect in society? To redeem is to allow Black women to exist without judgement. Allowing a Black woman to be free from the shackles of condemnation. To see the Black woman as regal even if she is guarded. Is she too? You fill in the gaps of the too (s). Allowing the Black woman to exist even when she’s been beaten by ridicule while allowing her to be soft and vulnerable without abuse.

The Acting in Wine in the Wilderness

Since I had seen this production I made myself attempt to forget the last production. However there were elements that I absolutely loved about this production. It felt like we were more in present time. The actors and actresses did an amazing job on their interactions. It was definitely raw. The connecting points in Wine in the Wilderness was definitely powerful. I left with such a better understanding of myself as well too. Each actors/actress was dynamic separately and together.

Wine in the Wilderness

Thank you to The Black Best Friend, Phila Artist Collective, Fringe Arts, and Aversa PR for having me. Make sure you get tickets for the remaining shows. The show ends October 9, 2022.

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