
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen


We are in year 4 of women month here at Toitimeblog. It’s where we show an extra appreciation towards women who are doing things and paving the way. I encourage women from ALL backgrounds to apply to be featured. This is a month long celebration and I can do one blog or more a day. It’s a great opportunity for women to showcase what they have done and where they are headed. There have been some amazing women who have answered the call and helped to shine the light.


Women Supporting Women

I get every year women saying they have nothing to offer that would be an encouragement to others but that is simply not true. From the single mom doing what she can to support her family to the woman who is the head on a board of directors we ALL have a story. Consider sharing the story with those around you. Women run the world of course but while we do we need to learn to encourage the ones under us to be the best versions of themselves.

Women Carving their Stories

If I listened to others tell me that I have no story I wouldn’t have birthed this blog 5 years ago. The ways in which it grew came from being authentic and I hope it’s a source of help to those who seek to read whether you are simply curious or just want to see what I am up to-let’s keep it going! Thank you to all the women who have done it in the past and if you have any amazing updates I would love for you to come back and share as well!


It’s simple to apply:

Send an email to

Know that when you do I will send you your questions and all you have to do is answer them inside of the email. I

What is Expected?

A dedicated blogpost with an attached a picture of your choosing. If I have questions and most likely I will contact you to clarify your statements. I do the work and we learn a little more about you.


The faster we get the entries I can pre-edit and I will let you know the day that your blog will post. The blog can is set with a date and time.  SO let’s go ahead and get involved!

Let’s Grow Together

We take women serious around here. I don’t allow anyone to be made fun of. Nor allow the space to be used for bitter arguments and pettiness. We encourage women to strive to greatness knowing we are going to make mistakes along the way. We walk in grace and allow that grace and hard work to push us ahead. 

I love learning about some of the best women all around the world!



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