
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

I’ve said this many times before and it’s true, failure is a motivator. It never feels good to fall down whether it’s publicly or privately it sucks. However when you learn to face failure it’s when you learn and grow. Today Michelle Lam takes on fear, and grow her business, Bklynite Media, a Public Relations company.

Face Your Fear

Fear and failure can be debilitating if you allow it. Failure feels horrible. Failure is all in how you look at it. Some people see fear as a point where you fail to do the things you set out. Some people measure fear in the form of comparing yourself against others. Failure in life in inevitable. Even the greatest of celebrities and important people have ALL fallen. Michelle’s take on fear is to “face it!” It hurts more when you hid from it.

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Hiding Behind Fear

Every person has experienced fear and failure. So why do we hide? Embarrassment is the number one reason. Do you know hiding it makes the fall larger than it needs to be? When you think about the times you hid behind the fear, facing it would have cut the story short. When you hide behind fear it makes it larger than life. Often times you add more layers that you didn’t need to add. One of the things you have to remember is failing while pursuing a goal is better than failing without a goal in mind. So don’t hide behind your failure or fear! You can be afraid to fail but I promise you will come out of it either stronger or with new purpose and insight. This insight helps your journey not hinder it!

People Pleasing

I don’t know anyone who hasn’t had to check their people pleasing at the door of their heart. Pleasing people leaves you depleted. Michelle says,

don’t live to please others but live to please yourself

People don’t realize that they take the love from themselves loving others. So when you say you can’t love yourself or you’re not lovable what you’re really saying is, I like pleasing others and I don’t want to make myself a priority. Even if someone has a role such as mother or wife or some other form of a care giver, you will flow in that gift more when you love yourself more. You have to be willing to set you first. It’s hard right?! However, it’s necessary.

Self-Care Super Power

We learn that putting ourselves last because everyone teaches you to look out for others. This can be an unbalanced way of living. It’s okay to do for others. It’s not okay to give from a place or deprivation. Someone may need a loan of money but if you don’t have it to give knowing you may never get it back, is that a smart decision? You give them and your household lacks? No. Learn the balance. Same goes the giving of time. Michelle talks about giving yourself a gift every month. How many could or are doing that?

Monthly Gifts, Do you do This?

When Michelle talks about a monthly gift it’s less about the gift but more about setting time for you to pour back into yourself. I don’t care what type of business, venture, etc. you have, you have to make yourself a priority. Business will flourish and have ups and downs but your health and mental space is important. If you want to fizzle out keep pleasing people and making yourself last. Even if what you’re doing in this life is the most amazing thing; the burn out will catch up and fast!

Branding and Being Authentic

Bklynite Media Public Relations and Social Media helps service Hospitality and Lifestyle Industries in New York. What’s important when you’re working with brands and branding in general is to do it with “purpose and with authenticity.” You have to be clear about your why. Your why is super important and should be apart of your business plan. It’s the meat and potatoes of your business. Bklynite Media is always looking to partner with brands. So make sure you follow them on Instagram as well. Don’t be scared to slide into their DMs especially if you are a business owner and looking for partnerships. Getting your product or business in front of the right audience matters and Michelle can help with that.

Motivation and Hustle

Michelle’s hustle comes from her upbringing. Taking care of business and being about your business matters. She is also motivated by knowing there’s another day to make a difference. How much more you? You have every day to do something positive in this world! Use your time wisely!

How can we support Bklynite Media? If you’re a business now is the time to find ways to work with them. Follow them on Instagram and visit their site to get clear information as well! Also follow Michelle on her Instagram. She has a wealth of experience under her that is unmatched. She’s been in front of brands such as BlogHer, iHeart Radio, and TLC just to name a few. So network is the name of the game.

Thank you Michelle for reminding us that we need to stop trying to please everyone, work hard but pay yourself back by breathing life into yourself first, being about your business, and not forgetting where you come from! Also support her business, Bklynite Media!

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