
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

It’s one thing to have pure desire to do or accomplish anything. However not everyone wants to uproot their lives to live out their dreams. Just like today’s blog, using your day job to finance and build your brand happens. Sejal does just that with her brand, Sona Social.

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Branding Your Empire

Everything that you do and say is very much speaking for your brand. From the pictures you post to the rants as well, it all matters. Sometimes with the overwhelming desire to brand you may just need someone to step in and guide you! Sona Social is your one stop shop to help you with all of your needs. This opens your schedule for the things you need or want to focus on!

Asking For Help

Isn’t it something that sometimes those hard hitting lessons help us in our business endeavors?! Sejal learned early on that it’s okay to ask for help. She talks about leveraging your circle for the help you need. Your circle is an indication of your net worth. We aren’t just talking about money! How important is that for women. We are so used to doing it all that when we need help we can’t! It’s always this underlying push to appear to have it altogether. Sejal realizes how harmful the notion of “doing it yourself vs. relying on someone else!” The lifestyle of the “I got it” mindset takes on your physical and mental health can be damaging.

Always A Student of Learning

You never have it altogether that you’re above learning! You will always need to sharpen your skill sets! It’s important to keep your heart and mind open to be taught. Sejal wished she had understood that notion when she was younger. However she isn’t alone. Many women and men feel like once you have acquired certain skills you are fine. However Sejal now knows how important reading, learning, and educating yourself is! You should be trading in some of your personal time while listening to podcast, workshops, webinars,educational, and motivational arenas. But let’s not get it twisted, Sejal still likes her trashy television! This is what I like to call balance!

Work/Life Balance

There’s not a woman who has work life balance down packed every single day. You can master the skills of time management but there will come a time when it’s tested. You wake up one day and feel like you’re killing it in the game of your career only to realize that you’re not in another area. As long as we live we will have to adjust daily and sometimes moment by moment too! Like I said from the beginning Sejal,

been working for an agency full-time since 2013. My biggest hesitation is leaving the safety net of regular income and benefits. However I’m learning to balance work while building my business!

I used to work personally for an insurance company. Everyone was self business minded. I was grateful for those years it taught me to work hard. However just like Sejal, some people want to build while working and neither approach is wrong! Do what’s best for you!

Hustle Smarter

I see why Sejal feels strongly about being smarter with your hustle! When she was a child she lost her dad. They had an affluent life. In the time after his death that lifestyle changed dramatically. She saw how hard her mom who was 38 at the time of her dad’s (39) passing. This makes sense that Sejal wants to build and be financially stable. When you see that struggle first hand, you work smarter not necessarily harder!

Self-Care and Motivation

Sejal feels her self-care power is setting boundaries. Listen up ladies this is a self-care we ALL need! Boundaries are important life skill. For Sejal that may mean being intentional with her time or turning off Slack notifications. I can attest to how important both are! Don’t let these social media tools take over your life! Sejal is motivated by financial freedom. I’m not mad at that. She also wants peace of mind. Working smarter is important to achieve both!

For help with your social media strategies, get that help with Sona Social!

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Thank you Sejal for reminding us all that although we want to build a brand that we can slowly do it while working our regular job! We also don’t have to do it all! We can build and become better at what we do but keep who we are at our core! Thanks for being an example of a Women making History! Now follow and support!

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