
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Happy Monday. They say when you love what you do you don’t work a day in your life. Think about how your thought process is this Monday?! Do you feel happy and ready to start the day? Is it tied to a job you don’t like? Let’s explore your Mondays challenges! We can take that negative energy and work towards something better.

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I hate my job

This is a real feeling. I would love to tell you how I feel now but if you’re not there you may not be receptive. I however too had those moments where I disliked my job. Every job you have at least a few folks you enjoy working with but if you overall hate your job, waking up on a Monday can be one of the hardest thing to do! Balancing your like of co-workers with a hateful job is real!

Pray in The Parking Lot

We may be doing a lot more work at home but I remember those days crying and praying in the parking lot. I prayed to get through the day! I cried because I knew I was going to be “tried” at work. I had to keep telling myself that my children needed me and I needed to make money. Monday and any other day was super dreadful. I knew that I wanted to do more of the things I loved but I honestly didn’t know what that would look like! Do you?

Your Choice

If you could dream up your ideal career and in return it could make you money what would you do? That is the question! Listen I’m all about taking care of my responsibilities. Adulting is real! However, what if you could work for yourself at your current job? Yes! You haven’t heard of financing your dream with your current job!Let’s dig deeper!

Let Your Current Job Finance Your Dream Career

What would be the amount you would need to finance your dream career? Do the work. Don’t just wake up today upset let’s use that energy for good! Research the amount you would want to make. Subtract that from what you make now! See the amount you need to have and it could feel daunting. However let’s use the amount to motivate.

Are you Qualified?

Don’t let that question stump you! We all know that qualification doesn’t always have to be there for you to do a job well. However you should have an idea of what the standard is. Remember we are talking about knowing all around where you stand and using the energy of a dreaded Monday to fusing a life we want and here is the kicker-working hard to make it happen!

Hard Worker

So it’s not totally nonsense to think you can make your current job finance your dream career. It sounds like it is but it’s not! Think about it in terms of how much is the building, supplies, overhead etc! Start saving. You can start small and work your way up! I used to take and make a budget. I operate off the same budget now! That money saved allows me to move the way I want. It also allows me on slower blog months like January and February to not have to go against my dreams.

Kick Monday Blues

So Monday is hard. Now that you know that you want a new career and you are WILLING to do the WORK, let’s do this. I used to tell myself I was going into the job I didn’t like because soon I would leaving and doing my own thing. It’s not easy! It comes with a lot of sacrifice! A LOT of sacrifices! Calling your own shots and your own schedule is priceless!

I know some Mondays don’t have anything to do with a hate for a job! You just had 2 days of sleeping in, brunchin, weekend relax, setting aside worries of some sorts and Monday represents adulting. I’ve said this so many times how being adult is not where it’s at! How many wish we could go and tell our younger self that our thoughts about being “grown” was trash? However let’s take in the break we have and use that joy to propel us into greatness! I had the best weekend of sleep, less content making, and I felt like a million bucks. However I won’t let that feeling loose. I plan to use that energy and find ways to help me in my mental and emotional well being.

So Monday I see you, but we got this!

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