
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

So often we are held back by the whispers of others.  Especially women.  We are told we can’t, we shouldn’t, or else.  The bottom line is we have the power to make waves on our own terms.  How you create your path is up to each woman.  We are about to encounter a beautiful soul.

I asked, what has been the biggest challenge you have had to face?

Jeez! When has my life not been challenging!  It seems as though my ‘life route’ has always been  more colorful than my peers.. EVERY challenge was the ‘biggest’ at that stage of my life.  I always find it odd, that the things in my life folks find ‘challenging’ are nowhere near those I’ve ever had on my list…Nonetheless, I thought all of the challenges I experienced were the end of the world or I was the ONLY one going through it… I cried, told myself I was a ‘bad’ because of it.  Thankfully I know the power of the mind, and always end up speaking to myself from within. I acknowledge each trial and then I find a way to give of myself (volunteering, gifting things I adore, etc)… That’s when I ignite. This spark then tells me to try a bit harder to Go. Even if you don’t know where you are headed… KEEP GOING!

So many women stop short of adversity.  The single most fight as women that we have is the ability to keep pushing.  Once someone takes your fight they have won.  Don’t let them.

I also wanted to know although LaChanda doesn’t have children the way she loves on her nephews and allows their creativity to shine is amazing.  Why let them be so free?

I was a creative child… I was the child that was putting on stage productions in the living room, writing books, selling plums out the front yard, curing diseases w/ my simple cabinet ingredients… there was NOTHING I thought I couldn’t do or create! My childhood was different than a lot of folks, I lived with my mom /stepfather, but also from time-to-time, I lived with some family members or my mom’s acquaintances. Unbeknown to me, each of these people left pieces of themselves with me.

For example, I lived with a woman named, Ms Willie Mae, who I affectionately called ‘Ma.’ Ma was a go-getter. Her world didn’t revolve around her sex. If she wanted to build her house, she did it, without asking permission from anyone.  

I got that. I got most of my ‘ I don’t give a DAMN’ from her.

However, around me, there were people that had fears… or themselves had been limited. There were people, who looked at me and saw XYZ and would tell me how I should be XYZ. And unfortunately there were people who looked at me as their competition, as a child, and spoke down on my stage plays, my traveling adventures or etc.

I NEVER EVER want any child to have to find their creativity, themselves at 28, 33, or older. I guard my nephews against the folks who can’t see past their noses. The ones who were never challenged. I encourage their thoughts and ideas.  I am lucky to have all those interpretations of life aka my 3 nephews around me; and they are blessed, I was born under the Pisces sign.

Creativity and freedom in children can help shape who they become.  If your child wants to dream don’t stop them, encourage them.  There are many children who are hurting because they can’t just be kids.  Adults are turning children into mini versions of themselves and exposing them to adult themes before their time.  If we take it back to the days where kids are able to explore they might find their calling.

I wanted to know, what are LaChanda’s personal goals?

I simply want to be make sure, that out of all the things I have ever visualized is attempted. I don’t want to go to my grave with a notebook of ideas/dreams.

Lastly, what is LaChanda’s message for women?  (we all have something we can give to the world)

“Do you Boo-Boo!” For Real! Once I stop worrying about being ostracized, shamed, or an embarrassment, life began to happen. Find your inner voice. Get on your on wavelength, Nurture your spirit and enjoy this RIDE.. this LIFE, This ONE TIME you’ve get to LIVE in this form.

Life already comes with limits.  The greats before us knew the limits and broke from them. If we continue to allow what others say we will literally die with unattained goals harvested.  Don’t let your candlestick burn without that light touching as many as it can along your journey.  Always remember ladies, you should always be your number one fan.  Love yourself.


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