
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

On April 14, 2021 I got my new Peace Lily or formally known as a Spathiphyllum plant. I named her Amelika because the name means Freedom. She is thriving and doing well and I’m too hype about it!

No Green Thumb

I told the women at Urban Jungle when I walked in how I needed a low maintenance plant. Any plants I had in the past didn’t make it. I think being older now that my love for things that are calming has increased. So now I’m in the mindset to take care of a plant. I still had my hesitations about owning and taking care of it but atlas we are continuing to thrive. This plant doesn’t need direct sunlight and limited watering as well.

Amelika Opened Up

When I came to check and saw her Lily buds pop up it was like I hit the jackpot. Nothing but pure smiles came across my face. I’m still hype as I type this! There is nothing but pure joy seeing your plant thrive. It really is fitting for the point I am in my life right now. Things like my plant baby, new book shelves, wine glasses, and peace are important to me. I’m growing like Amelika! I called my other plant moms to share in the news and we all were just excited for the growth!

Lessons Becoming A Plant Mom

One like my regular children you need a level of patience. I wanted her to have Lily Buds right away. She didn’t get them until about 2-3 weeks ago! I also needed to understand her watering pattern. I was too hype to water her that her first 2 weeks I slightly over water her. She also needs heat. So in my house with the A/C on tundra I had to use a small space heater to keep her warm very often! Keeping my cat, Tiki away from her. He just wants to eat her. He has nicked her at least twice.

Spotify Plant Playlist

When I was a kid my grandma used to sing to her plants and talk to them. Ask any plant enthusiasts and they all swear by it. You can find Tik Tok of people singing to their plants. I stumbled on a plant playlist on Spotify. I play this playlist about 2 times a week. It’s crazy how I stumbled upon it. Who would have even considered that such a playlist even existed! It’s the list that you didn’t even know you needed. Amelika sits near my home office. Any given day you can find me letting her know about the foolishness that is happening on social media. FYI she has her own Bluetooth speaker! I’m that plant mom!

Another One?

Yes I will be getting another plant probably this weekend and definitely before the end of the month. I’m thinking about a Snake plant. They are another low maintenance plant. My husband is not a fan of plants. In his mind, they will bring bugs. He has a phobia of bugs. We haven’t had any bugs on Amelika so he’s been a little easier with it. In my mind I will probably want a lot more plants in the near future but for now, one plant at a time is now we will ease into this.

Urban Jungle

I went to the Urban Jungle located 1526 E. Passyunk Avenue. The staff was amazing and knew their stuff. I also like going their for plant supplies as well. It’s a beautifully aesthetic place to be. From small office plants to the big ones they have you covered! When I get my next one I will not hesitate to grab it from there. So be on the lookout soon for the welcome to the family blog.

I’m totally enamored with my plant daughter, Amelika! If you were looking for a sign to purchase a plant consider this your sign!!

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