
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

The month of November is about being together and eating. What you eat is important as where you eat. Eating on the couch, in bed, or on the go is something we want to avoid. Being intentional and meal planning helps us change the perspective in building a better relationship with food.

Meal Planning

It’s hard to think about meals ahead of schedule when you have a mountain list of things to do. No matter if you are working from home or in an office, the preparation of food is important. So as the colder months come along there are a few meals you can prepare early to assist in better eating and time management.

Crock Pot

If you do not own a Crock Pot, put this on your list to grab or for the holidays. The Crock Pot is your one pot meal like your chilis, soups, or even lasagna that will take a few hours to cook but bring on the most impactful results. Remember that we tend to want more comfort foods during the colder months. There are ways to cut calories by swapping out items like meats with plant based items or sauces that are lower in calorie intake that doesn’t skim on taste. So grab yourself a Crock Pot cookbook or get some ideas online. The Crock Pot gives you the freedom to make meals and do others things such as cleaning or doing what you love.

Air Fryer

This device is just about everyone’s best friend. Take and prepare your meats ahead of time by defrosting, cleaning, and seasoning. You can come home, and make a meal in a 1/3 of the time a traditional oven would allow. If you love fried foods and are trying to find ways to cut down on its consumption, this will allow a better option. Remember everything in moderation.

Family Meal Times

Everyone has different things to do when the evening sets in. Try to increase eating together as a family when you can. Take away phone use too. The holidays shouldn’t be the only time you eat together as a family. Make more time to come together by eating a meal or dessert together. Finding it hard to get everyone to like something for dinner? Make a themed night. A theme night is fun and can be carved during the week or weekend. The goal is to eat together more.

Plan Ahead to Avoid Eating on the Go

We love a good fry at a fast food restaurant. This should be done in moderation. Often times we eat on the go is because we don’t want to exert energy into meal planning or feel we don’t have time. Make plans around meals. If you have somewhere to be plan your meal ahead of time. The more you eat in your car the less nutritional value you are taking into consideration. Fast food should be more of an emergency than a reliance. Remember wellness is about putting our health as a priority. So let’s take the proper steps in ensuring it.  This is the same for lunch times-plan ahead.

Places to Avoid Having Meals

  • Bed-one avoiding food in bed and two it doesn’t help in digestion
  • On the couch-we tend to eat and fall asleep or binge eating
  • In the car-whatever you are eating in the car most likely isn’t the healthiest options

Things happen! This isn’t to say you are a bad eater its about increasing a healthier relationship with food. The more we think about what we need to eat and plan for it the better choices we make in the long run. Think about your wellness in how often you are eating and how much you are eating by not placing yourself in situations where the most convenient option may not be the best for you. Let’s eat well and be conscious of the choices we make for our overall well being.

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