
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Happy Monday as we prepare for another amazing week. This is my Blogiversary week and I have so much excitement. I remember how vulnerable I was hitting the button to share my story. I am have been sharing since then different ways of living life unhinged and balanced at the same time depending on the day. My first fears were if I would be received. My fears with blogging hasn’t stopped and here are my lessons learned:

Facing the Initial Fear

My heart raced as I shared that I was a Blogger. I wasn’t sure if I had to have how ever many views to be considered a real Blogger. So super nervous and anxious I wasn’t sure how it would be received. Did I have enough material to write about to make a difference? All of those thoughts were running in my head. After sharing with my friends and family that this was a path I wanted to explore, would they even support? Those first few blogs I felt sick to my stomach. I knew nothing about the Blogging world.

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Was Blogging a Mistake?

When I started to share someone super close to me said I overshared. I was telling too much of my personal business. I was stunned. It took me about 2 weeks before I shared anything else. I had allowed someone else to stunt my voice. Asking myself why did I start the blog helped me to push through. If I hadn’t shared my story the ones that needed to hear that no matter what stage of life they were in, they could make it would have been lost. There were other Bloggers and Writers, but my voice was destined to enter the conversation too. So as dramatic as it was, I kept writing.

Imposter Syndrome and Blogging

We all face some form of Imposter Syndrome no matter what field you work in. I too in Blogging felt it. As soon as I got my first brand deal, I felt it. Like I hadn’t even had brands on my mind when I first began. I didn’t know anything about brand working with Bloggers. I had someone mentor me and put me on to what I didn’t know. It was refreshing to hear but how could little old me with 500 followers on Instagram make it happen. I learned that numbers matter but being true matters most. Before I even had 1000 followers I was able to lock in a deal. The brand was impressed with my ability to tell my story. This was long before the word authenticity was a thing.

Too Scared to Network

When I had already been blogging for about 3 years, a chance email to Aversa PR allowed me to see Philadelphia in a new light. I was just seeing Philly for the first time by attending the media events. My husband encouraged me and I took a chance and sent an email to Kory Aversa about my time at the Philadelphia Christmas Village. I had no idea who he was and I had no anticipation that I would receive an email. That was almost 4 years ago. At my first few media events I took my husband. After having to juggle Motherhood and family time, it became clear that I was going to have to go to these events alone for the most part. I was nervous. That social anxiety that I was able to hide from had to change.

Taking Chances

When I started this blog I was struggling with entering the work force because I had just had a baby.  I was working temporary jobs to supplement my income. I started this blog, on November 19, 2014 after the Supervisor I had said we don’t have much work for you, just come and be a body. She gave me the guidelines on what Internet I couldn’t use. I opened up and found WordPress and the rest was history.

There was no stopping me since I had NOTHING to lose. I had everything to gain. I took a chance after feeling like I had hit a personal rock bottom. The rock bottom I was experiencing was the catalyst to the best years of my life. So if you are in the same type of spots that I was at, get up and create. I had no idea I could create a life I had envisioned.

So if you are reporting to work that you don’t like-I have been there. I worked multiple jobs as I kept the dream. I have taken chances with very little parachute, but I got it done. You too has what you need to get it done. You have a gift that is inside of you to get whatever dream off the ground. The amount of resources in this day wasn’t as strong as it was 7 years ago. To get the information you had to belong to a group. Now information is available, don’t waste it.

Let’s take Monday by force. Create something today to push that budding business that you have picked up and sat down multiple times. Whatever your goals are, you got this!


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