
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Happy Friday and cheers to the weekend. It’s been a crazy week. Our kids are back to school and all of the nerves one can expect are here. So what all went down this week? Let’s check in!

Robert Glasper at City Winery

Can you believe I’ve never been to any City Winery before? It’s been on my list for quite some time. I’m happy to report that I’ve been and was able to see Robert Glasper. It was a hands down amazing experience. I bought the tickets last minute. I was shocked I was still able to get front row. The venue was packed. I loved that they required proof of vaccination as well as masks. I felt a good sense of comfort. Robert Glasper was everything I expected and more. You can see my reel on the night.

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He sang my favorite song, Better than I Imagined. The way he mixes and can just hear music is beyond anything I’ve heard. His songs and music reminds me of my childhood. My dad would ride around playing Jazz and other musical influences. It gave me that carefree feeling. I loved it. He’s doing an online live stream concert for those who are interested but aren’t ready to head out to a venue to listen! Also I loved the food at City Winery too. Their Sweet Philly wine is my absolute favorite and I can’t wait to have more.

Labor Day

It was a day of labor. Am I the only one who doesn’t like back to school shoe shopping. I don’t mind uniform shopping because it’s subjective. Shoes is all about opinion. My children are growing up and so I try to let them get what they want. Even with a hands off approach they still turn it into an event. We went to at least 7 stores and still had to go to more stores on Tuesday to complete the buying process.

Back to School

Well we are back into the swing of things. Back to school and the anxiety is definitely up there. So how are we managing it. We play music. Get the kids up on time. My kids can’t rush in the morning. They need that time of calm in order to get through the day! Already day number 2 and my son got a stomach ache and had to be picked up. My oldest got an injury day one. It’s only a short week start and this is where we are. I really want them home. Online school comes with its challenges but they didn’t even get a cold when they were home. I want to make sure they are safe. So I pray this will all level out!

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Back to school kids

Back to School Guide with SheKnows and Athleta Girl

Since we are talking about back to school, let’s talk about my collaboration with SheKnows and Athleta Girl. It’s an epic back to school guide. They had moms/parents as well as teachers talk about their true feelings with children returning to school. I was honored to be apart of the discussion. It means the world to me. School is where children should be but finding a way for children not to get sick with this deadly variant(s) is key.

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Sheknows collaboration

Brian Shapiro Band

Did you know as a writer that I am part of a team producing an online live stream show? I’m sure you didn’t. I am enjoying adding producer to my skills too. Brian Shapiro band is a mix of 4 amazing artist. Their blend is amazing. So not only should you take a listen the show we have worked on will be featured in the Fringe Art show for various times! Get your Tickets ASAP!

Forever Wine and Board Ga Lor Charcuterie Board GiveAway

I love collaborating with companies when it make sense. I am a self proclaimed Wine Bae. So having Forgiven Wine reach out made sense. I’m offering a giveaway that will allow one person tickets for two. You will enjoy Forever Wine as well as learn the art in making a charcuterie board. The board will also be yours to take home on October 24 for the Sip and Savor event. Go to my Instagram post for the details. If you just want to attend here in Philadelphia without winning you can do that as well!

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Conversations with Toi

Friday means a new episode is out! As always it’s available on ALL podcast platforms! With that being said, we have guest Amy Cothren. Amy Cothren is the host and creator of the podcast Mama Mindset, which speaks mostly to stay-at-home moms (SAHMs) about the importance of working on themselves in order to raise the future generation.

In addition to the podcast, she offers her 1 on 1 mentoring for SAHMs who need the support of another mama friend. “I want to build a community of like-minded women who are ready to find their value and their worth as a SAHM. I believe in living a productive and fulfilling life through continuous growth and effort, and that improving our communities starts at home.

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It starts with us, working on ourselves. After being home with my 3 daughters for the past 7 years without a mentor, I painstakingly went through the ups and downs which got me to a place where I absolutely love being at home.” Amy is now on a mission to share her experiences with other women and help guide them to a place where they to, love the role they are inwith, a Mama Mindset. You can find her on Facebook and Instagram!

Diva Girl Tribe

I’ll be speaking on my blogging journey on Wednesday September 15th at 7pm. This is a member’s only meeting but I’ve been allowed to offer it to you to view. You will need to register! It will be held via Zoom! It will be a great time. I hope to see a few of you from my community there supporting. Plus learn what Diva Girl Tribe is all about! All of the balance that I try to do while pursuing my passions in writing with blogging, ghost writing, turning blogging into a business, etc will be discussed!

So I hope you have an amazing week! I’m going to be celebrating my son’s 10th birthday. Double digit life is here for him and I’m proud of the young man he’s becoming!

Find something you can enjoy this weekend for yourself! Tomorrow is also Remembrance Day for September 11th. The day that all of America and the world have in their hearts and minds. My heart goes to all of the surviving. They lost more than we can even imagine. Let’s remember to save a time of solace for them.

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