
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Friday recap of The Upside Down

Happy Friday and last day of September. Time is not waiting on anyone. Official welcome to the last quarter of the year. If you are like me and have mixed feelings you aren’t alone. There is a lot to consider as we end the year. If you are feeling the pinch like I am, I plan to give you some blogs in the coming week that will mentally prepare you for the holiday season. Whether you are single, dating, married, divorced, or just building an empire, we will have something for everyone.

Buena Onda Tacos

Congratulations are in order for Chef Jose Garces and the Garces Group. There is no other chef working hard as Jose is. Buena Onda Tacos is open in Wayne Pennsylvania. I attended the Grand Opening celebration and it was one for the books. Chef Garces presented and cut in lieu of a ribbon cutting, a 5 foot burrito. It was glorious. What can you expect at Buena Onda? Tacos, burritos, bowls, and more for all dietary needs. From meat eaters to vegans the food is so good and full of flavor. In about 2 weeks they will get their liquor license and it’s only up from there. I must say if you do not like alcohol or don’t drink it the virgin margaritas are absolutely outstanding.

Buena Onda Tacos
Jose Garces and the 5 foot burrito-yes it was edible and delicious

There is ample seating as well. When you come in you order and pay for your order. They will give you a number and they will bring your food to your seating. It’s that simple. Let’s face it, we could some simple things in life. Since tacos is life this is a win win for all. Make sure you support. It’s located at 226 N. Radnor Chester Road in Wayne Pennsylvania.

Buena Onda Tacos
Mushroom and Kale Bowl

Friday Feeling

Am I the only one who is happy for Friday? I know I am not. It’s been an increasingly long week. I have one more event today and then I can sit and relax for most of the weekend or at least until Sunday. However Friday is here and here are ways that I wind down from a long week. I usually do some deep cleaning on Fridays mornings. It’s a way for me to set my house back in order. In addition to some cleaning and music listening, I treat myself to a drink of some sort. With meal prepping in the week I usually do not have to cook which is a super plus. Friday is for idle television when I can. Tonight is going to be one of those moments but I do catch up on at least one episode on the recorder. I love allowing the kids to have their down time too. So that means letting them have screen time to play with their cousins online.


South Street Oktoberfest

For the 14th year in a row (2020 doesn’t count), South Street Oktoberfest will be held on the 700 block of South Street. This year, it will anchor the South Street Fall Festival! With 10 different German beers available on draft, a wealth of German food, live Oompah music by Die Heimatklänge, German dancing by the United German Hungarians, flower crowns, Liter Lift, games and more, it is one of the fall’s most exciting food-and-drink events and a do-not-miss celebration for beer lovers! This event is family friendly and free to attend (pay as you go) Young or Old, there is something for everyone at this event!

I attended the media preview as well as have attended several times in the past. This is going to be a great day of fun, beers, and more. Enjoy this weekend.

South Street Oktoberfest

Craftsman’s Row Halloween Vibes Friday Must Add

I attended Craftsman’s Row Halloween event and it is another must go bar experience. If you are looking to have a little fun for Halloween but don’t want a super big crowd, now is your time to make a reservation and go to Craftsman’s Row. The home of the Christmas Bar and drinks can now dust off their Halloween swag. The milkshakes are out of this world. The Grave Digger has Bassett’s pumpkin ice-cream, donut crumble, vampire donut., rock candy and Halloween Sprinkles.

Craftsman's Row

The cocktails are always a pleasure to have too. Beware that they make them well which means enjoy responsibly.

Craftsman's Row

Conversations with Toi Friday Podcast Drop

Happy Friday. Today is podcast drop day. We talk about people willing to pay Dr. Juanita Bynum to teach them the principles of prayer and more. As a PK (Preacher’s Kid) I have been praying my whole life. I am not against her hustle I am just saying that I am not willing to pay $1500 American dollars for it. In addition, as the holidays shift into high gear, getting a budget, setting a boundary, and more is key. Also I share a health update on this episode too!

Listen to the episode, share and also leave a comment or two.

Conversations with toi podcast cover

Uptown Beer Garden Friday Recap

The Upside Down is here at Uptown Beer Garden. What an amazing way to celebrate the highly loved show, Stranger Things. I have to admit, I have never seen the show. So my kids got me ready for it by giving me the top tips of the characters. the local artists  were amazizing. Uptown Beer Garden does an excellent job with their Christmas decor but they knocked it out of the box with this Halloween. The drinks were of course good as well. The food that they provided they definitely had more of it. Overall I enjoyed myself.

Friday recap of The Upside Down

What a great and long week? I hope you had a productive week. Sending good vibes your way. Have a great Friday and enjoyable weekend.

Friday recap of The Upside Down

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