
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen


It’s no secret as we end the month of September that the holidays are around the corner. As we prepare let’s look to form a sense of community for those around us. Not everyone has a family or a large setting of friends to hang with. Find someone you can extend a sense of sisterhood to now.

Single during the Holidays

Holiday times bring on a sense of frustration when you are single. Everyone telling you that you should be grateful for life and therefore immune to the pain of the holidays is fleeting. You can be grateful for everything that you have and still long for companionship. For those who are experiencing that this year, know that your frustration is very valid. It’s normal to want to be surrounded by others as you celebrate key holidays. Although there are a number of ways to celebrate, find what works for you.

  • Friendsgiving
  • Secret Santa
  • Trip with others or solo trips in a new environment
  • Make gifts or desserts for others
  • Throw a party
  • Sleepover for other

There are plenty of ways you can prepare for the holidays.

Develop a Holiday Budget

Many do this in September. Set a holiday budget. Trust me if you celebrate Christmas and believe in gift giving, a budget is crucial. So decide what you want to spend. Take into consideration what groups you are in. Did those groups of people, do dinners? Brunches? Make that apart of your budget. Also be clear on if you need outfits for those events. I like to purchase about 30 dresses to wear from November until December. I go to a lot of things. This may be a lot for other people. Find what works for you. You may only need 4 holiday dresses. Get them early as possible. Whatever your budget is-set it now.


The same budget needs to be upheld for decorations. They can become pricey too.

Holiday Anxiety

This is real. Anxiety exist daily but definitely for the holidays. It becomes an issue because you have to visit, and or interact more. You may not want to interact with family or friends and yet the pressure to do increases. I made it a rule to do what works for me. For years I didn’t visit my extended family for various reasons. I was okay with the why don’t she come around or the she needs to let things go.


You have to do what works best for you. I do not allow myself to go around people just because. I’ve come to the realization that I  enjoy my own family meaning those that I live with. I also have a rule that if I am in a place and someone or something makes me uncomfortable at my big age, I will leave. My husband and I have a code word that can be used for any side of the family’s functions. If the word is used we pack up and leave-no questions asked.

Elle and Blogger Toi of Toitimeblog

What is your Biggest Holiday?

This is different for everyone. There’s no shame in which one matters to you or is the most expensive one. Start with that one. We do things like Fall parties, Halloween, and more so I try to keep a plan in place. As a blogger I try to get to many of the events that are sponsored. Not only it can help you know which ones to attend; it saves my family lots of money. For the average person I would say write the events that you want to go to that stand out the most. If there is a light show that you love and it cost, make it a priority in how you save or consider getting tickets as early as possible or late as possible. There are usually discount tickets first and last of seasons.

kids at candytopia

Either way, welcome to the time when the holidays are like a blink of an eye to the end of the year. Before you know it, the New Year shall come. Enjoy the next couple of months. Do what’s best for you. Set a budget in spending and have fun.

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