
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen


Happy Galentine’s Day to all. This day can be a great day to celebrate established relationships or to welcome in new ones. Everyone of us are in different stages of our lives. So today’s celebration will leave different viewpoints in our mind. What is Galentine’s Day and how can we build a stronger sisterhood?

Galentine's Day

Galentine’s Day

Is a day to share in friendships and sisterhood. Depending on where you live you may choose to engage in activities. Some will get together with their friends for drinks, dinner, or some other bonding activity. Galentine’s Day is a relatively new concept. Many speculated that it was done due to the many women who didn’t have a Valentine’s Day to gather with their friends to show support. However you view its concept, Sisterhood should be something you build both online and off.

Galentine's Day

How to Build Sisterhood Online

If you like many of us have learned to build deep friendships online, need to keep in contact. There are many  who live alone and lack the companionships of friends in their cities or towns. There are some who have experienced deep rooted break ups with friends over the years. Many of the breakups tend to leave us feeling empty. If you can do some of the following to add value to your new online friends. Find what bonds you. If it’s Brown Girls that’s amazing talk about the things you want to see and together attempt to participate in as many events as possible. Check in often. Friendships like many other types of relationships need to be watered. Pick up the phone, send a text, do video conferences, or even watch a show together online and discuss it. The point is that although miles away you can still feel the watering of a good friend no matter where you are in the world.

Galentine's Day

Sisterhood and Galentine’s Day Offline Building

Just like online continue to build on what bonded you and your new friend. Do activities that make both of you feel good about yourself. Compliment one another as you add new activities into your budding friendship. If you are able do your best to show up for your friend. This means answering phones, checking in, going out, and being there as a safe space. Leave things like judgment out the door. Sisterhood means being there and accepting the flaws, calling them out in love, and supporting your friend as they get back in the ring of life.

Galentine's Day

Friends are the Spice of Life

Many of us crave the love of being in a sisterhood. Remember that even if you have struggled in this category, slowly open yourself to love again. Even if you move slow, don’t stop moving towards loving your sister friend. Be a listening ear instead of giving advice every time. We all heart differently and not everything needs a roll call. Be there in the same energy that you want it be received. Be willing to apologize and show change when you learn you have offended a friend. The way we take days like this and add small steps towards relationship building makes us so much richer in love. Forgive yourself for the missteps you have taken in the past in past relationships.

Try to see you and your sisterhood in the purest of eyes so you and your new friend can grow. Happy Galentine’s Day to you all. What are some of the ways you plan to take those little steps towards building a sisterhood this Galentine’s Day? Plan a call? Send an email? Make an apology? These are little steps to open the doors to great sisterhood and long standing relationships.

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