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Keep Writing: Blogging Tip

Keep writing even when as a writer there will be moments of writer’s block, exhaustion, or even self doubt. Today’s tip seems so basic but very powerful. 

Your Why Matters 

I say this all the time but it’s true. Why are you writing? That changed the game on low days. Your why should sustain your purpose. There’s a greater purpose in your message. Don’t allow the message to get distorted by brand deals, popularity, or doubt. Trust me, every last one of those areas will be tested. Your why should be the fuel that will awake you when everyone else is sleeping. It guides what writing assignments you take on. Aligning with your why is the most important part of being a Blogger.

Resets in Writing 

There may be many times where you will reset how you write. You have your purpose but you may need to also find ways to make your writing stand out. Sometimes I do writing series like this month long one. Other times I may find what those in my community needs. You will build a community within your writing and if your purpose is to serve it will be more about them than you.

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Community Based/Led Writing

I started this blog as a way to encourage someone who was dealing with various issues with mental health. As I am active with my community through writing or social media I put my ears to the ground to see what they need. For instance it’s holiday time so helping someone with holiday anxiety is a real need. Helping someone who doesn’t feel motivated on Monday is why we do Monday Motivation. It could be as simple as reminding the community that they need to do their self care. All of that is done by using writing as a resource.

Hiccups Along the Way

Nothing that is meant to be will flow without issue. There are hiccups along the way. From having to stay recharged in your own life. To being consistent in your writing all of it is to assist you in being an amazing story teller. Don’t lose that focus. When I share my story of those moments I realized I was even in a mental health crisis there will be those who resonate and those who don’t. Don’t stop telling your story because it’s not popular. There are people who need you to share it. The likes will come and go! Stay focused on the purpose.

Taking Breaks with Writing

Once you become established in your writing you will be able to take breaks that won’t affect your blog. In life you should take breaks of course so don’t be afraid to add some into your blog schedule as well. If you are looking to blog full time you have to work the blog like a full time job. This means writing consistently, engaging on social media and always look for opportunities to write. Some of the best writing opportunities will come from LinkedIn. Also you want to establish your writing voice. This means getting your audience to know your style. If someone comments reply. Engage. Be intentional in what you are doing.

Overnight Success

If everyone went viral over a piece of writing that would be amazing. Understand that not everyone was an overnight success. Like anything in life you may have to work at. Don’t quit! Don’t stop writing either because you get a bad review or critique. Take the critique with grace and become better at your craft. Writing can be a true stepping stone to the impossible. If you would have told me 7 years ago I would be interviewing people, writing for well published magazines, or build a network I would have doubted it. In 7 years I’ve met the most wonderful people and some bad apples too. My gift of writing made room for me to create a door or walk into one someone else would have deemed I was unqualified.

Be Gracious

Remember as a writer everything you do may get picked apart. You can’t argue with every troll on the internet. Every battle isn’t worth the fight. Once you start writing with other publications keep your deadlines. Ask questions for clarity but write well. Don’t engage anything on social media that you wouldn’t want to be blasted. Be socially conscious about what you say, share, or re-share.

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