So events are different. Masks are to be worn at all times. Crowds are minimized but that doesn’t mean that fun shouldn’t be had. Linvilla Orchards has been a family tradition since 2011. All 3 of my children now look forward to our annual trip. Over the weekend we went and had an amazing family time.

Safety Protocols
Masks are definitely obvious. Also there are several hand sanitizer stations throughout. That was definitely necessary. I being the cautious mom that I am had hand sanitizer in my bag. I also had wipes as well as a first aid kit. Listen me and the kids are accident prone. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. Trust me. I am glad to report we didn’t need the first aid kit. Also tickets are highly and I mean highly encouraged. We originally was supposed to go 2 weeks ago but the day we were expected to go, it rained. This past weekend was crowded but I’m going to tell you some work around Ed. I’m not gonna lie. I would say if crowds isn’t your thing pay attention to the following:
Get Tickets Online
By the time you pull up to Linvilla you should have ordered your tickets online. This allows you to set your day in stone. When we arrived all of the tickets were sold out. FYI, we got there at 1230 for our first event. So don’t be disappointed! If it does rain you can switch your tickets at least one time online through the website. Super easy and takes seconds. This happened to us and we didn’t have to call to do it.

Weekend Switch
To avoid larger weekend crowds go during the week. Yes most kids are in school so if you’re able to sneak out do it. This will take some of the weekend pressure off. The crowds were not that bad but I will say kudos it wasn’t one person without a mask that wasn’t sitting down and eating. Everyone was super respectful. So even if during the week doesn’t work, come with a plan and patience.

Market Work Around
Now I go to Linvilla for a numbers of items. The corn, the apple cider donuts, the apple cider slushy, apple pie and the caramel apples. You see the apple theme? The only thing I didn’t get a chance to grab was the pie. I live about 20 minutes away so I’m more than willing to go back for the pie! It’s that good. I did notice that the line to the market was crazy long. I went around and saw that the outside vendors was selling the other coveted items and that alone was clutch! So if when you go just remember this nugget and you will be fine! I was almost about to be disappointed until this work around became apparent! It made me a happy soul! Trust me!

Again things have changed, tickets are for specific times. They in my opinion have more tractors but again it could have been because it was much easier to get on the hayride than before. There wasn’t a long line. We came in and had our scanned ticket and got right on! It was still the same amount of fun! Everyone was amazing on our ride! One thing I will say since I’ve been taking the kids yearly, this year a lot of that having to do with the mask, they didn’t have an asthma flare up! We took our allergy medicine before we got there, laid a blanket down, and the mask helped with that.

Corn Maze
Going through the corn maze is always fun! The kids always love going and getting lost. This year the maze seemed much longer! Everyone practiced social distancing inside. We allowed the kids to lead! It was great! They got a chance to run, the parents got their steps in, and fun was had by all!

Apple Busters
This was the activity everyone loved by far! Trust me I’ll be making a vlog of the day! Keep following me on Instagram! Being able to load the apple blaster and shooting at our intended goal was amazing! This is a family friendly activity. We ended up helping my daughter and niece with it due to them not being tall enough. However they had a great time with it regardless!

Food Options
There is plenty of great things to eat! From the amazing corn of which every last kid enjoyed too to cotton candy and kettle corn there is something for everyone! No one left hungry! No one was upset! We all ate well!

So was it worth it?! Yes! Did I feel safe? Yes! Did my anxiety pop up? Yes! Every time I leave my house it does! I’m extremely calculating these days because as adults any moves we make can devastate our family. That is a lot of pressure. But if this is the normal moving right matters. I was equipped with as much as I could but we still had fun! We smiled from ear to ear! So that made it all worth it!
Thank you Linvilla Orchards for always being the place for smiles and fun-I love that place!
I’ll also have to go back for pumpkins! I should have stuck to my gut and got them before we started our activities! The line was too long and since we had done so much I will be back! I made the kids a promise!