
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen


Happy Wednesday. Welcome to another mid week check in! I’ll give an update about now the week has been. In addition we are going to talk about organization too.

Mid Week Shenanigans

As with many others we had off Monday for Martin Luther King Jr. day. We spent the day relaxing. I know many others who used it as a day on and I’m glad for it. We decided to use it like we normally do and have discussions on the history of Martin Luther King Jr. Our day consisted of watching documentaries, ate, talked and enjoyed our day. We also did some prepping for back to school. Our kids have not been in school since Christmas break.

Christmas Decorations Take Down

I took my Christmas decorations down finally. I’m a little behind as I have yet to do my Vision Board. Y’all pray for me. However in my defense we keep our tree up year long. I don’t feel the gutted need to take it down as many others. We have switched the tree and household decorations over to Valentine’s Day. This is helpful to keep the joy of the house. Decorating for each holiday doesn’t always work for everyone. For us or exclusively me who has no issues taking things down over and over again I love it.

Valentine's Day

Getting Organized

So many people struggle with organizing. I live with my husband and children. My husband is more of a pack rat while I am a very organized everything in its place. So the battle between the two are always on opposite sides. Organizing for me is about decluttering. In decluttering I can clear my head while clearing my space. For one, I can’t do work, write in any space that’s not clear. On most days before I log in I will sweep and mop the office area, I reorganize my desk multiple times.


Organizing is important to me. There are several areas of your home and life that could use some touches of organization. Like for instance organizing bills and paperwork is important. Not opening your bills won’t make them less likely needing to be paid. Even if you pay them online and they send a paper bill, open it. Shred it appropriately.

Organizing Help

If organizing isn’t your thing here’s a suggestion on where to start. Go into your kitchen. Take a look in the fridge. Get rid of old food and clean the fridge from top to bottom. Also organize your pantry. I keep my vegan food in one sedition. The kids snacks. Dry ingredients in one and so forth. Get rid of the food that is expired. Sometimes it expires because we don’t even know it’s in their to consume. You’re blessed. Make sure to check your pantry and keep it organized for when you grocery shop. This way you get what you need and cut down on excess.

Bathroom Organizing

Clean all surfaces. If you have cleaning products that have very little in them use them first. I went in my cabinets of my bathroom and used the products that were almost empty first. Organize according to use. In my closet by the bathroom I reorganized the towels and washcloths. Get all of the products organized by usage as well. Use baskets or holders. They help streamline the look and keep you accountable in your organization too.


Bedroom Remix

Decide on new bedding if you need it. If it’s old consider switching it out. Also wipe down and reorganize products. For instance I went through my make up alone. Bought bins to keep make up organized by usage. Threw out old make up too. I shopped my closet. Things that were not being worn in a year I donated. Listen I’m all about having a few pieces when you get to your ideal weight but sometimes we have closets of clothes that could be used by someone else who may need them. Get rid of them.

organized bathroom

As I stated last week I feel like I’m finally getting my life. The things I had on hold for the beginning of the year I’m attacking. You can make any adjustments to your week right now. For instance if your morning routine isn’t working, find ways to make it better. Get a sleep routine. Set clothes out the night before. Make your meals ahead of time. Whatever you need to do-do it!

Happy mid week check in! We are that much closer to Friday. For those who live in the Northeast we are preparing for another small snow storm. Please be prepared and safe always!



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