Today is Moments of Frustration Day. We all have gotten frustrated or upset over something. The key is to not allow this temporary moment allow you to make permanent decisions. This means in your frustration where you are more inclined to speak out of turn, practice the art of dealing with your issues before you spew things onto others. The fallout could be more than you wanted to take on.

Relationships are Ruined
Let me give you an example, a husband and wife have situation where life throws a curveball. They are upset and frustrated. Instead of being mad and finding a solution or taking a temporary step back, they say things to one another that damage each other. They do this so often that one or both may think it was no big deal. Little do they know that one of them has reached their breaking point. So now they aren’t interesting in reconciling as if nothing happened. They aren’t willing to move past the words this time and now their marriage is in a long-term mess. Our words have life and death attached to them.

Petty Moments
Moment of frustration can happen over anything. It doesn’t have to be a person. It could a circumstance as well. Do not allow yourself to take that leap into negativity where you find yourself unable to get out. I know life is hard. I have had too many times when things have happened where some of the issues were out of my control and some were a direct correlation of what I had put out into the universe. End of day, how you respond to it matters. You can’t always make an excuse and hope for forgiveness when you speak out of context or out of character.
Point of No Return
You may not always get that back in return. You can attempt to take a mental time out. This may mean walking away and addressing something later on when you have had time to cool down. This is necessary at times. Remember when you were a kid for those who had time outs? Those were times to teach you to cool off and think about the situation at hand. Adults need them too. You need to keep your cool and not do something that can cause mental, emotional, or physical harm to themselves or others around you. Think in the moments of frustration if you would be okay after you have calmed down with the outcome of your decision. If no, then stop! Don’t keep talking. Keep pushing. Don’t keep the same response that will dig you further and further into potential trouble.
If you find that in moments of frustration you have crossed the line, ask for forgiveness. Find ways to eliminate the crossing of the line to begin with. For instance if something is being said or done that is triggering me, I am more prone to ask for a few minutes. I am an arguer by nature. However some arguments and hitting below the belt I find is not worth the pain and the apologies later. So I work on what I need in those active moments. I hope you can do the same.
Frustrations Happen
We all know that we will hit these moments. It’s okay to feel temporarily mad! But we have to get to the point of not allowing ourselves to be overtaken! As hard as it is, remain in control! Be quick to apologize and make a turn for the better. You got this!
Teach Kids
Always know that kids will mirror what they see. If you’re blowing up all the time so will they. They are products of their environment. So teach them young it’s okay to be frustrated and challenge them to make better decisions when those moments come. I’m convinced adults now are overgrown kids who never learned to handle themselves!