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Monday Morning: Taking Care of Yourself

I didn’t think I would be an active part of today’s Monday Motivation but here we are! Sometimes we get online and have conversations with others all before having those moments of solitude to ourselves. We need to gather ourselves sometimes before we starting moving.

Fall Back

I started my day at its normal 5am time. By 7 I was back in the bed. Why? Not only did I have a migraine but I realized I had one due to being up with limited rest this weekend. I had so many deadlines that I forgot to make me a priority. My husband stepped in and took care of the kids allowing me the time I needed to reset. Sometimes falling back is super important. Allowing a step back will allow you time to gather your thoughts.

On time for Your Mind

The first thing I thought as I laid down was I wasn’t going to be on time for more deadlines I had today. A deadline of today didn’t mean I had to have it done by 9am. I needed to make time for my mind. Rest my mind and allow things to calm down are just as important. As I laid down resting I had a mental health check in with myself. It was time to be honest about where I was and what I needed. I didn’t need to be all of the things and do all of things I simply needed quiet time.

Rest is Essential

I’m a huge champion of sleep and rest. Sometimes our body will say the rest that we had isn’t enough. That is where I was this morning. I needed more rest. Had I been working a traditional job and having to report to an office by a certain time it might not be feasible. However knowing when to rest and taking it right when you need it most is key. Healthy lifestyles come from rest too.

Hit the Pause Button

In immediately hit the pause button. I will get what I need in due time. What needs to be done will be there when I come back to it. I don’t have to be on autopilot to feel accomplished. An accomplishment is getting the migraine under control. Also it is allowing my husband to bring me coffee and breakfast. An accomplishment is enjoying the quiet. We have to change the way we see things so we can be effective in wellness.

Areas of Lack

Here are some of the areas that I find I lack in at times:

This list varies from day to day. However knowing where you’re most prone to slip up or skip altogether helps you evaluate a better plan of action. For instance, prepping food helps make sure I have healthy food available. Also turning off unnecessary alerts decreases anxiety. Going to bed at a regular interval and leaving my cell away from my bed is helpful too. All of these things are helpful in mindfulness!

Business Control

I’ve been on the hunt to find ways to work smarter and not harder. This is helpful in making sure I take care or myself. I have an app that helps me invoice. I’m grateful for it on days like today as the month closes I can make it easier for me to be paid. I like Canva that helps me with how my social media looks. I’m grateful for schedulers like Tailwind that helps me set posts etc. ahead of time. This is helping me be efficient. Efficiency is always a way for me to be better.

So maybe your Monday is off to a later start like I am! It’s okay! Taking care of your body is a head to toe job. It’s a job of being mindful not what you need and not being ashamed to take that break! Have an amazing Monday! Work smarter and not harder. Take care to eat and drink enough water. Lastly take mental health breaks by listening to your favorite music, podcast, or even color in an adult coloring book. Whatever you need today you can be a boss in your own right by tapping into you!

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