
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Happy Monday and let’s discuss our attitudes. So many people tell you to fix it especially when they feel that it doesn’t align with what you should appear to be. You may have a thousand and one things on your mind. Simply fixing your attitude needs to come from an inner place of stepping into a better head space.

Attitude or Angry Monday Thoughts

There are times when people appear to be angry when they aren’t. Some call it resting bitch face. It’s one of the things that is a topic of discussion quite often. Some will say that their grown (ness) doesn’t need to be adjusted. Let’s explore that. Being grown isn’t a green light to walk in harshness. Only you know why you carry yourself in the way that you do. However one also has to be aware of themselves and make inner changes too.

What if you just have an attitude? You had a bad morning and you’re adjusting yourself. So now you’re in the public eye where faking it just doesn’t seem right. In some areas of work, you may have to adjust. If you serve people simply having an attitude is off putting. People do not simply have to “put” up with your attitude just because.

Know Thyself

So one of the things I learned in therapy was why I responded to life the way that I did. The yelling, anger I carried and more was all needing to be adjusted. Carrying those things was a load that was too heavy to bear. So all the times someone told me that I looked angry I knew it was true. We don’t like to hear it or we aren’t ready to adjust. I had to learn that some things simply aren’t worth carrying. I had to have an honest conversation that superseded what others thought. That light that was shined from my therapist back to me had reality engulfed in it.

You know yourself. Being mad at others for pointing out the obvious does nothing. Making excuses for why you are the way you are instead of doing the work is counterproductive. However I know that being forced to do it won’t work either. It’s something about growth that informs you of what it is you need to do in life. When you’re ready although it’s hard you will begin to step into a better place.

Monday encouragement

Monday Encouragement

What do you need today? I’m not talking about things like bill money, etc. We all need a little more of that. What is it that you need to do the inner work of living in your world in a better light? Maybe you don’t have the answers as to why you are the way you are. Know that’s okay. Are you open to receive the answer even when it’s uncomfortable? That’s key. Answers are always around you but you may not be open enough to receive them. I had to take a step back and give in to the reality that a few things can be right and wrong at the same time.

The journey that I am on is one of healing. Healing those things that were given to me by circumstance. Also healing those things that if I’m honest we’re created by me as well. Taking responsibility for the choices given to me is never easy. Holding space for the people I pushed away because I wasn’t in the place to receive their love is also humbling. Learning to accept the things I can’t change while earnestly changing daily in the areas I can.

Monday Mood

Monday Vibes

As we proceed with Monday this blog may be more reflective. Who are you wanting to show up in the world as? You may not be her or him just yet. Walk towards them. Life happens to all of us at fast and slow variations. Showing up as you want to be until you become it is one of those things that take thought and heart. You got this. Today may push you in many ways. It happens. How do you want your response to be? Step more into that! Have an amazing Monday! Crush your goals! Sending all of the good vibes!

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