
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Good Monday morning to you! I hope today and everyday finds you in the best of health and spirits. Sending love to Louisiana today as they are in the cuff of the Hurricane. As we continue to start our day, let’s talk about clear intentions. Simply having a good day is one part, defining what that entails and looks like is another.

Defining Your Goals Clearly

What do you want to see in your day? When you ask people this question they will say having a good day. Having a good day looks differently to everyone. For me it would be no issues with my electronics, getting contract updates, and my children cooperating with my meeting schedule. For you it could look differently. Define your clear goals. Write it out and have a plan to execute it.

Plan of Execution

If I want my children to work with me during meetings, I start with planning meetings around a snack or meal time. This works for me. All meetings can’t always work as streamlined but I took a goal, and executed a plan of attack that made sense. How about you? How are you taking your goals and executing an action plan that makes sense? Good days happen with intentions and well executed plans.

Prepared for Derailment

This sounds like you are jinxing your day but you’re not. Having a plan that isn’t necessarily a Plan B but a Plan A.2. Life happens. Knowing that you are keeping with your goals but also being able to know that plan changes are always possible. It’s the frustration of those plans changing that take our focus. Being prepared for those moments are easier to maneuver. So work your plan and have a work around readily and available when possible.

Take Care of Yourself During the Day

With goal setting it can look like you’re running a marathon. However, especially for Solopreneurs and Entrepreneurs who lack a full team-take care of you. This going through your day without proper nutrition ends today! Set time in your schedule to eat and drink. You have to replenish yourself. Also if your goal is to eat better and for all of us it should be, this will help. Set aside a few moments to do a quick workout, yoga, or meditation session. I promise even if your day goes to Hell in a hand basket; you will still feel more in control.

Ask for Help

This is hard for a lot of people. The thought that you should be all knowing is bonkers. One of the ways to work smarter and not harder is knowing your strengths and weaknesses. Knowing when to outsource a task or get help is strength. Why waste valuable time on a solution that someone in your inner circle has the answer. Example, the changes to my website I needed to make, I was able to ask someone in my SheMedia family to assist. Jennifer Moss was able to do in a matter of moments what would have taken me a thousand moments and mess ups to do!

It’s okay to ask for help! It’s okay to have support. You are still in charge of your plan even with getting help. So don’t try to build it all yourself. Collaborating with others is how things get done. Just make sure roles are clear and where needed, get a contract in place to protect both parties!

Reward your Efforts

The I’ll reward myself when..this is a slippery slope to be on. Reward your efforts while you work. Life has already shown us how waiting until works. We are always going to have something else to look forward to or that has to be done. I find it hard to simply be excited about what I have done on the strength that there’s always more to do. Small changes to your mindset helps shift that thought process.

So this Monday, we are going to set clear goals with intentions. We are going to also have a plan. The plan that we execute we are going to have things in place for snags along the way. Today we will start taking care of our bodies while we work. No more one meal a day. No more realizing you haven’t drunk any water. Adding movement and time outside to clear our mind. Eat and make time for nourishment is the goal.

When we need help to accomplish things we are going to be humble enough to ask and smart enough to receive it! All while rewarding yourself for doing a good job! I hope this helps your Monday start off with the focus you deserve! You got this! Let’s take Monday and set the tone for our week!

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