
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Monday mantra

Happy Monday. I hope your weekend went well. The weekend lasts for seconds it seems. However now that we are switching over to Monday vibes I want to talk about doing your best. We are sometimes our hardest critics. It can be a lot with trying to do all you can and find whatever balance presents itself. So with that let’s talk about ways to encourage yourself when you don’t feel your best.

Monday Not Giving In

I remember in my 20s that I would dread Mondays. Not that I don’t have days like that now. Back then I was a mess. I was doing things that 20 year olds do. Drinking, partying over the weekend and trying to determine if I wanted to be in a relationship or enjoy my single days. Mondays hit different when your life is all over the place. Trust me. However one thing that I remember telling myself not to ever give up. I was heavy in mistake making and had a lot of people who went out of their way to point it out to me. Now I look at how much therapy, becoming a Mom has shifted my life way before I even got married.

Monday mantra

Those mistakes that I told myself were what I was supposed to be doing at 20. However I learned how to tune people out. It wasn’t just so I could live my life my way but because I always knew I was in a phase. The folks in my ear forgot their 20 year old phases. So many young people are burden down with living a life that others will be proud of and what they would be proud of. So don’t give up. Don’t throw in the towel even when life deals some harsh cards.

Doing Your Best

Sometimes my best looks like getting the kids out the door and turning on my laptop. Other times doing my best is being on top of my list of to dos. If your best doesn’t look like those around you remember a few things. You woke up and you have the opportunity to change your perspective and direction of your life. Doing your best may look like a struggle. Don’t get worked up if you woke up not knowing your direction. Start with a meal. Clean your face. Ask yourself what are the things that have to get done today? You will get inspiration. Watch what you listen to and who you entertain. Sometimes the circles we keep will keep us stagnant.

Monday mantra

Monday Mantra

What is your mantra? Mine is, you are healing and it looks good on you. Develop one for yourself. Look at where you are and make a positive affirmation that will help you put one foot forward to make things happen. Think about if you had your life aligned right now what would you do. For instance when I think about that, I see someone who is taking care of her responsibilities and feeding her soul. Do what you can to feed your soul. What books are you reading? Where’s your journal? Write a few goals down for today, this week, and this month. Can’t think that far ahead? Think about today. What’s one thing you could do differently today than yesterday that will uplift or build your day. Do that and let the inspiration come.

Monday Mantra

You are going to have a good day. Take this day and do your best. Stop being so hard on yourself. You are more than a conqueror. I know you got it in you to make today positive. Trust me I have been in negative thinking and that is a personal journey to get out of it. I am confident you can change. Make today amazing as you are. Show up for you today! Happy Monday!


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