
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Over the last few weeks I had to ask myself what it is what I wanted. Sometimes we move because we know it’s the right thing. You have to know what’s your goal. What do you want to see come to fruition. Once you have your end goal you can craft a plan around it!

Tunnel Vision

You will need to stop watching how others move. Even if you’re in the same field, have similar goals, or simply start something at the same time as someone you know-your race your pace! This is a mantra that I learned when I started running. There would be thousands of runners on both sides of me but I had to be focused on what my intent was. Getting clear about the vision and not comparing yourself is hard but necessary.

Map Out a Plan

No one should be achieving a goal without a proper plan! Winging it works but it also comes with an unnecessary amount of stress. Who wants that? It’s already one thing to have a plan and the plan doesn’t work than to waste your time and energy with no plan and the uncertainty is increased. Working smarter not harder is about at least having a set plan in place. Plans can be altered. Plans can be deterred.

What’s Yours Can’t Be Taken

I had to learn that early on. Nothing that I work towards can be taken from me by another person. If it’s mine, it’s coming to me. This is why I always lean into the right people who can get me to the place I’m supposed to be. You can’t compete with someone when you realize there’s more than enough in the world to get you where you need to be.

Passengers or Solo?

You can do anything by yourself. I used to say like Beyoncé no passengers on my plane. Beyoncé rides in jets and private planes. In order for us to scream that line and apply it in our lives; are you working hard to get it? Beyoncé has shown the world, how hard she works. Are you willing to level up and put the work in? Even if it’s a food truck business, what are you willing to do to be successful? Sometimes that means not being a solo entrepreneur or being one but allowing the RIGHT folks to support!

Pick an Appropriate Team

This is gold! I posted this sentiment last week on my personal Facebook. Who you align with matters. Sometimes people want you on the team because they see your loyalty! There’s nothing of mutual benefit that will come from the alignment. It should be about both parties benefitting and not just one. So when you recognize that you’re on a team where you are exerting energy that isn’t being reciprocated pull back! Simply stop allowing people to take from you!

Be Ambitious

Yes there are no small goals. Goals are meant to be met! Don’t let someone talk you out of your goals because they deem it too small or too big. What you have is ambition! Use that hunger for more to accomplish all of the things. I told someone my plans and they laughed. That was over 6 years ago. I don’t even know if they have seen what I’m doing now because it doesn’t matter. I become my own crush. I’m not looking to prove anything but to myself. Every year I get stronger and wiser and you will too!

Don’t worry about what someone is saying! Don’t worry about what someone is doing!

You got this! That’s all that matters! Happy Monday!

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