Normally Mondays are for encouragement. Today it’s about checking in which in a way is a form of encouraging good mental health. So as we go into the final week of the Christmas holidays let’s do a mental wellness check in.
Monday Wellness Plan
I am honest about my feelings when it comes to the holidays. Often times I’m generally sad even though I do a lot of happy events. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. Although everyone expects me or others to be in a jolly mood, there are times when that’s simply not possible.

So how I navigate those big feelings and mood? Take each moment at a time. I’ve talked to my therapist and we made a plan of how to move ahead. For instance, when those feelings come on me instead of trying to simply push through, be honest and take a break. For me breaks are hard to come by. Breaks for me come in the form of reading a chapter or two in a book. Making some hot chocolate and coming off my phone. Or simply scheduling a 30 minute nap. Consider a plan.
Holiday Planning
I used to wrap all of the gifts Christmas Eve. This was after doing media events at the last minute. Now I cut my media events off until Wednesday of this week. I wrapped all of of town gifts so far last week. Today I plan to have all of the gifts for my personal family done by tomorrow. This makes it so that when the kids start their break I can truly get one too. No last minute rushing around unless it’s necessary. My bestie and I have a dinner on Friday and that will be filled with laughter and love! Taking things a little easy for me is key. Get a plan in place to alleviate stress and stressors in your life.

The Power of NO
As much as you want to do it all, you can’t. Do not stress over all the details. Sometimes the biggest thing for you is sit some things out. I’ve gotten a boat load of invites that aren’t media related. I’m going to decline. Decline with no explanation. When I was a kid I couldn’t wait to be “grown.” So not going to be grown and reduce myself to explaining why I can’t do something. Life is already stressful. Don’t stress when it appears you can’t accommodate every person.

Monday Mantra
What is your Monday mantra? If you had a morning like mine you definitely need one. I left the house on time with the kids in tow. Only to get less than 5 minutes away and get severely sick. There was no safe space to pull over. So I was balancing a cup in the car while driving and praying to get to the school parking lot and not cause harm. Afterwards I cleaned myself and tried to get to a meeting. Who was late? Me!

Attempted to record the podcast with a guest, she was a NO show. So my mantra is no matter what, I’m having an amazing day. I scheduled some me time today and I’m going to enjoy the day no matter what. I get to create simple joy around me. So I’m salvaging my day and continuing to push through with expectations of greatness.

So Monday came with a lot of quirks. Some things panned out and others not as much. However I choose joy! Joy is the act of simply enjoying life, without having things make it happen. I’m not happy because of things but because I get to exist, love, and move with intentions. Make a plan for your week. Do what you can! Let the rest sit!