
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Monday start

Happy Monday. We are here on this last day of 2021. What a year it has been? From variants, opening of the world, to pauses of all kinds, we are still pressing forward. You may or may not have had the year of your dreams. This year may have been tough. One of the things that we are all learning is how resilient we are. So let’s motivate ourselves to get excited for the future by taking care of ourselves.

Stop Focusing on Past Mistakes

The mistakes of our past can motivate us to do some amazing things. However there are times where we become so tunnel vision on it that it becomes unhealthy. Mistakes, missteps, and learning curves are all apart of life and learning. It was through setbacks that this blog was started. I was home in the middle of a postpartum depression episode feeling lost that drove me to therapy. Those sessions allowed me to heal some parts of me that I didn’t want to acknowledge and birthed life into my dead soul. The mistakes that I had were holding me hostage from moving forward. I can’t change the past. I can do the work to make my future better. Learn the lessons but drop the personal jail that we place ourselves. There’s nothing stopping second or even 3rd and 4th chances. Life is about learning and resetting.

Monday focus

The whole notion of unworthiness has to stop. None of us are worthy. We are still in the game no matter who might have counted us out. The biggest person who counts us out of our own blessings aren’t people, things, or circumstances. Most of the time its our mindsets.

Small Victory Mondays

There are times where small victories are all we have. Getting up and starting the week motivated when inside you feel defeated or depleted, is a victory. Making a small change in something you are eating, is a small victory. Taking a step to eliminate the toxic people in your life even if its you that is toxic is a small victory. Those small victories often lead to big rewards. If I was stalled in my personal thinking of what could a Stay at Home Mother who was college educated struggle with her identity of Mother and Woman I would still be lost. I had to learn that a Stay at Home Mom is a blessing. I too could create a life that I had envisioned it just took me taking care of my mindset, getting healthy from the inside out, and taking myself seriously.

Monday celebrations

Monday Joys

You may be off for the holidays until after the New Year. Rejoice in that. You may be logging into work or getting ready for work. Whatever you are doing-look for the joy of your day. It’s important to look for those simple joys daily. The world is full of bad news. It’s also filled with grief. We don’t do enough soul searching for the things that make us happy. Happiness beyond your title and responsibilities. I had to learn during those isolated years of early journey of Motherhood that I wasn’t defined as a Mother.

Monday goals

As a Mother, I too could be a solid woman. Having my own goals was key to making me whole as I took care of my mental health. I was becoming a better Mother by being a better human. Finding the joy in my own personal life beyond my kids was essential in my healing. To this day, I give credit for my work ethic in learning to make myself a priority.

New Year Mindset

I love the New Year. I love because it gives a clean slate. We should celebrate it. I also know that I don’t have to wait until the “ball” drops to give myself the gift of a reset. Daily I can do what I can to realign myself. So don’t wait. Have a goal or goals for the year. Start the focus now. Reset. Give yourself permission to choose yourself daily. You are not defined by your past. Your past is a teacher.

Monday start

You have the ability to move forward and make amazing waves in this life. Take control of your mindset. If you are having issues get some much needed help. Getting help isn’t a sign of weakness. The joy of “seeing” you for the first time in years is one I can’t explain. You will love the man or woman you are becoming when you do the work.

Let’s celebrate this Monday. The last Monday of 2021. We are hitting the motivation hard in 2022. I will be doing mid-week check ins in addition to Monday Motivation. Let’s pave our way today and everyday we wake up. You got this week! Let’s take this Monday by force!

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