
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Sometimes on Mondays we are not only trying to get out the door or online now a days. There are times when energy drops and the ability to push through may have already been depleted. In today’s mid day check-in, keep in mind that we need to reset the way that we are feeling. What are your goals for the rest of the day and week?

Mid-Week Lunch Break

One of the things that people don’t do enough of and that is eating well. No eating and keeping yourself fueled up is not going to help you in the long run. Often times, missing meals only makes you overeat at the next meal that you do consume. If you struggle with eating, set a timer or alarm. Stick to an eating plan. You were not made to just go through the day accomplishing “goals” that doesn’t include taking care of you in mind and body.

How Much Water Have you Drank?

If you say none, time to get a glass as you continue to read the blog. Your body needs water. In addition to not eating balanced meals, sometimes our body is also thirsty. Thirst can disguise itself as hunger. Drink a full glass of water both before and after you eat. This is essential to stop that mindless snacking. Packing a lunch and a glass or drinking cup to aid in your water consumption is not helpful. Preparing for your day also includes food and drink.

Self-Care Plan of the Day Monday Edition

Last night I realized after I was Uber Mom that not one time had I executed a self-care plan. So I decided in that moment that I was going to have a glass of hot tea and go to bed at 830pm. It felt good to enjoy that tea and go to sleep. I woke up rejuvenated. What is your self-care plan for the day? Is it a nap? Is it treating yourself to a snack you really have been wanting? Whatever your self care plan of action is get one. Carve out some time for you today. This is essential to helping you accomplish goals. Goals aren’t just about getting through them but often times the road to completion doesn’t have to be all draining and overwhelming.

3 Things that you need for Today’s Goals

People think that goal setting that you do at the beginning of the year or month. Daily goals matter too. What are 3 things you need now to help today’s goals? For instance I need to to finalize a new bag, make a meeting with an attorney, and send out invoices. All of those thigs are for a greater goal. However today those are the things that need to be done today. Everyday is a day to do something closer to the end goals. Carve out your 3 things and do them.

Feeling Sluggish? Monday Blues?

It happens to all of us no matter how high your energy levels are. Go out outside for 10-15 minutes. Here in Philly the weather is a little blistery. Those few minutes will wake you up for sure. Take a walk. Get some of that good water we talked about. Step away from your phone or laptops. These are small things that help. Change your music too. Sometimes your music is too slow. Find something you can move, pat your feet. etc. Move around a bit. Listen to a podcast (Conversations with Toi)  or an audio book.

Call a Friend or Family

Check in with someone else today. Who have you been meaning to check on? Call them. See how they are doing. It may not seem big but just a call with someone will uplift you. Even if the person isn’t doing well knowing that you could be there for them in those moments on the phone helps. Someone familiar to us can make the difference in how we relate to others around us.

I hope Monday is giving you what you need. If it’s not let’s switch up the energy. Whatever you need is there and you got this. Have a great rest of your day. Tomorrow is National Evaluate your life-we got you.



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