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Monday Motivation: Practicing Calming Techniques

Happy Monday! Calming techniques help you to remain cool in a heated situation. When you’re stressed it’s easy to find yourself overwhelmed. So what techniques do I personally use to help aid me throughout the day?

Monday and Keeping your Cool

Everyone deals with stress. We all also deal with stress in different ways. For me when I’m stressed or triggered I may find that I tend to get loud and yell. I learned this as a kid. So in high stress times having to relearn new coping mechanisms were hard at first. It didn’t come to me naturally. It was easier to simply yell and move along. It was having my first child that I learned to do better.

On this Monday stress may be all around you. From gettin up and ready to go to work. To drop off at school and more. The best way to evaluate your stress and pressure is to take note. What is your go to when you’re stressed? Some techniques work well for some and not as well for others. For instance counting down doesn’t work for me. I dislike numbers in general. So counting down makes me even more irritated. However, taking deep breaths or using breathing techniques does wonders.

Breathing Techniques

Although breathing is apart of our everyday life when you’re stressed your breaths are all over the place. For instance, stress, anger, triggers I feel either I’m breathing too fast or not getting enough. This also correlates to me also being able to speak a thousand words a minute when mad. I become incoherent. I had to learn in therapy that things around me can and will become out of my control. Learning to shift the focus to what I could control like my responses helped me learn to breath in a way to regulate my emotions.


If you’re not able to do this I encourage you to add mediation. Mediation helped me regulate as well. For instance I have several meetings today only for my youngest to need to go to the doctors. The immediate stress of moving my day around is real. I took a few minutes to regulate myself by using several apps on my phone for guided meditation. One in particular that I love is Calm. There are several others as well. This app either helps me with mediating music, guided meditations or using a voice I love like Tabitha Brown’s to soothe me at the moment.

Not enough time for Self Regulation

I hear this all the time. From things like being at work and not having time to mediate. Others say I’m in a high stress job or home life and simply taking a minute to compose isn’t feasible. I understand that. I once worked in an office where I was the first and last face people saw. I couldn’t simply walk away from my responsibilities to take a minute. However I could use word association while working. I could write a sentence expressing how I felt on a piece of paper. I could make a word bank of positive affirmations.

What is your Monday Mantra?

No one knows better about a focused Monday mantra. Today’s mantra is “I’m more than capable!” I had to remind myself this several times by pushing back my schedule several times today! I’m more than capable. What is necessary to be done will get done. Keeping a leveled head and keeping my cool will be the way to make the things I need happen. Mondays are what you make of it. If it starter off a little rough like mine did, I get it. Don’t let that mess with the tempo of your day, attitude, and definitely not your mindset. If ever a Monday needed a little encouragement this one is it.

With no coffee, no breakfast and under 3 hours of sleep-I and you will make it through. I will get some food, drink my water, and correct anything that needs it!

Monday Goodness

So I send all of the goodness that is on you and in you to go before you. May it turn around or continue to do amazing things on your behalf! Happy Monday!

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