
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Everyone is on a high for the New Year. What if you aren’t really feeling it nor do you feel like you’re in the best place to evoke changes in your life? It’s okay-let’s regroup!  Mondays are for goal setting.

No Plans?

It’s very possible to not be on the plan bandwagon! FYI it’s not really a bandwagon. For those who do the work its a way of life. Most people who are serious about the way their life’s choices, plan and replan all the time. So I can understand if you’re in a funk and aren’t seeing the need to step up a vision board or plan right now! It happens to the best of us!

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Have you ever been stuck? That point in life where you wake up unmotivated? You just simply exist. You’re not motivated one way or the other to make anything happen. You know you should and it’s in the back of your mind but to implement it isn’t there! I’ve been there. I was like that many times and not just in my 20s. It happens. I would attempt to make a plan but fall short often because I lacked drive. What makes you feel super happy?! Is there something you always wanted to do and if all of the resources were there you wouldn’t hesitate to do? It’s in that, you might find motivation.

Happy Go Lucky

People live with real life feelings that fluctuate. If you’re not the happy go lucky person daily that’s fine. No one is saying you have to be like a Power Puff Girl everyday! However there is something to be said about working on your personal disposition. Do you know how many times you may have shut the door on potential greatness because of the way you come off? I’ve known people to miss dating opportunities and jobs that way. How you feel may be showing up in how you are approaching others…let’s talk about that for a minute!

Take it or Leave it

You can’t keep feeding people the take it or leave it mentality when it comes to bad dispositions and bad attitudes. It’s 2021 people are no longer accepting it. That doesn’t mean that you have to smile every second of the day but it does mean you may want to accept that everyone ain’t lying about your bad attitude. I’ve had to personally defend people with bad attitudes until it became too much. You will lose things over your bad attitude. I know that people tend to remember that things work out in the end but that don’t mean you won’t lose along the way! Work on yourself constantly. Your attitude will and I mean WILL determine your altitude. We have to stop blaming others when our attitudes sting others!

Regroup Why?

Simply in order for us to be the best versions of ourselves we have to be willing to do the inner work. It doesn’t matter what job you take on, what new project you are attempting to complete or dream you have on the horizon it takes inner work. You have to regroup. There are days, weeks, months or even years we allow ourselves to walk in the wilderness of self doubt, lack of plans, and unintentional living but at some point it gets old. You end up wanting more out of life. Although you may not know the first step to take, the desire to be better will baby step you sometimes to better. You don’t have to be the first to do it just have the desire accompanied with hard work!

You can be stuck just don’t stay stuck. Try and if you fail and sometimes you will, don’t let the failure keep you debilitated. Shake yourself! Keep striving. Find the very thing that makes you feel amazing. Take one day at a time and do your personal inner work!

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