Happy Sunday! I hope today finds your recharging your mental space. It’s always a little sad to see Sunday come. You know that eventually that means the work week is around the corner. However I use Sunday as a day to reset. Since I’m always about mental health let’s talk about keeping space.
Keeping Space
It means something different for everyone. Each individual have their own set of things they feel to keep them grounded. For me keeping space simply is not talking down to myself over things I don’t think I’m accomplishing. It also means not allowing others to invade my emotional space. Keeping space is being aware of when I need a time out whether that be from the world, cares, or simply a time out and possible nap. Everyone has something that they need to do to keep their mental spacing clear and under control. For some people work out, yoga, or even music therapy.

Ways in Which Mental Space is Disturbed
- Allowing bad communication with others who spew negativity
- Taking too much of others in when you should be building yourself
- Not taking breaks big or small
- Not cutting off self doubt and negative self talk
Trust me there’s a gambit of ways to mess up your mental space. You are in charge in your mental playground. Ever here the saying the mind is the devil’s playground?? It’s true. We aren’t quick enough to pray, meditate, or shift our mindsets. We are good at entertaining things that need to be removed ASAP! Don’t let your mind go off track any longer than necessary! Take control!
Mental Aerobics
So we need to do some mental aerobics. For instance I keep a journal with me at all times. I have to admit it’s a lot easier to do when you’re at home more these days. If no journal is available, use the note application on your phone. The second that you’re feeling or mentally feeling like something is off or wrong-write it out. Once written see if it’s valid. If not exchange it to something that is real and true that is positive. If it’s true and reveals an area you need to work on-write it out and come up with at least one thing you can do to change it!
Intentional Thoughts
It’s our job to regulate what we think. We have to start thinking of our thought patterns. When your thoughts go to left bring it back with thinking of what we want in our lives. Think about the positive we want and how we plan to achieve it. It’s not always as easy to do but it should become something we strive for daily. Having our minds occupied with negativity especially when it’s not even real will cause us to live negativity. What you think is what you become.
So with that being said, what are you putting in the front of your mind today? What does your mental space look like? Be clear about what you put in your mental space. Put others far from your space. Don’t let folks camp out where they don’t pay! Pay them no attention and get your mind right!
Have an amazing Sunday!
Did you miss last Sunday’s message about living with intention?! No worries catch it here!