
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen


Happy Monday. I hope your weekend was great. Anyone who is an Eagles or Kansas City Chiefs fan had an amazing weekend as they prepare for the Super Bowl. If you have never had a bad day count your blessings. When you have a bad day or a bad moment, it’s time to reset. Resetting is taking in a time to regroup and more. Sometimes when we have to reset there are times when things like guilt creeps in.


Goals and Resets

So many of us are taking our goals very seriously. We fail and get back up. Sometimes in the midst of goals and goal setting, we have those moments of feeling guilty because we need to reset. Here’s an example, you’re at work, your boss has dumped yet another project on you and you are overwhelmed. The anxiety to find out how to get it all done has increased. You know you will get it one but you need a minute to take a break. Instead of taking one you tell yourself that taking a break will make you work be so backed up that you will miss your deadline. Take the break. A 15 minute walk, get outside, or simply rejuvenate with food or drink will help you. In that break you may come up with a new idea on how to get your work done.

Also you may do a brain dump or more. Either way do not feel guilty for needing a break. Your goals aren’t in jeopardy because you need a little self care I promise.

Why We Feel Guilt?

There are a million and one reasons but here are some of the ones I hear the most:

  • I should be able to handle this
  • My parents were hard workers and never took a break
  • If I take a break I will be seen as weak and not capable of handling the tasks
  • Breaks will set me back in my timeline


No matter what excuses you tell yourself now is the time to retrain our brain. Breaks, resets, whatever name you want to call it helps us to be better. For instance you love that vacation feel? Rejuvenation can be achieved in small increments in our everyday life. This is why people say things like don’t wait for vacation to feel all of the things.

Ways to Reset in Your Day

So we talked about resetting and why you should but your question is how. Here are some example to reset:

  • Take a mental health day off of work
  • Schedule your lunch break and actually take it in its entirety preferably away from your work area
  • Learn to delegate if you are working with a team
  • Work smarter not harder by establishing systems that does prioritizes things that can be automated
  • Before your day recharge with a great breakfast and your favorite work related drink
  • Drink your water during your day

Monday Motivation

Happy Monday. May today be the day that you have a great day by resetting with purpose. Let the guilt that you should be able to handle your day without a break. A break is a way to breath. It’s not a place of failure. You are more than capable of handling your day but adding a reset ensures that your mental health is in tact. Take care of you. Speak up when you need something especially with a work team or boss. Sometimes NO is the word to help you reset.

Have an amazing day no matter when you read this. You got this! I believe in you.

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