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Monday Motivation: Staying the Course

Happy Monday. I hope you had an eventful weekend. My weekend was part relaxing, part media, and part chaos. Such is life! However, now that we are starting another Monday off, let’s remind one another about staying the course. There are many times when giving up seems like the right thing to do. For instance, frustration and being uncomfortable are usually the first set of feelings that we give into prior to walking away from a dream or goal.

Monday Push

So if you had such a weekend like I did where you may feel you used all of your strength to get you through-you are not alone. I am mustering all I can to hit deadlines and more. It happens that way sometimes. However what we can’t do is allow our feelings to overtake your goal setting. We have things to do that often times can’t wait until we are in the right headspace to achieve. Now that’s not the same as taking a moment or two to gather yourself. We are all deserving of those moments. It’s the lingering in defeat and self loathing that we have to come out of. So if Monday is being Monday, take a deep breath, reset, and start where you can to make one small step towards your Monday plans.

Encouraging Yourself

In an ideal world we would have those in our inner circle who are encouraging and just a doll to be around. However, we are all experiencing life at different intervals. What we expect from our friends and more may not work out. People too have their own lives. Now if you have a friend or two who aren’t encouraging then you have choices to make. When I was in my lowest moments, I came off as selfish to my friends I am sure. Did I mean it to be that way? Of course not. However you can’t always be your friends’ biggest cheerleaders when you got your own mess to climb through. Instead of saying my friends don’t support me the way I want them to, ask yourself what is fact or fiction. If there are things that are unreasonable for where they are-that’s a you issue. If there are areas that need improvement-communicate and then proceed.

Encourage yourself. Speak words of affirmations. Be clear of what you listen to and entertain. Make sure you are taking care of your needs. Be understanding. When you feel low, have a plan in place. Listening to a podcast, dance class, baking, exercising, etc are small examples. Whatever it is fill your cup. Be honest when you are tapped out. Take a break as often as you need it. Align with those who build you and make you feel like conquering the world.

Monday Blues

Every now and again even if you have the best intentions you may wake up with the Monday blues. Ask yourself some honest questions. Could it be simply being tired that is making you feel that way. 2 weeks ago I thought I was in a depressive mood. To be honest it could have been the start of one. However I was also exhausted and didn’t get enough sleep or rest. Doing that helped me to deal with the start of a depressive mood. That also helped me to recover a lot quicker. Monday blues doesn’t have to be the end of your morning or your day.

September is Self Improvement Month

All month long we are going to look into ways that we can support ourselves in doing better. Also remember doing better in one area may not work for someone else. We always need to remind ourselves that we are only looking to clean up our personal lives. So as we progress into the month or should I say almost end it, what are the areas you want to focus on. Mental and emotional wellness is an area that we should all focus on more. How we take care of our mental wellness matters.

So start or reset your Monday. Take care of you. Do what you need to get past the Monday Blues. Be vigilant in what you need as you crush your goals. You don’t have to have all of the answers. Do what’s best for you in every area that you can. Show up for yourself today.

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