
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Monday people pleasing

Happy Monday. I hope your Monday is off to a good start. Sometimes in life when Monday comes we dread it immediately. The way in which we curse our day is simply out of frustration. How can you use the pressure of a Monday to achieve good in your day?

Monday Pressure

It’s hard to feel pressure in your day to day tasks. Often times it’s actually so much pressure that we face that it takes us off of our game completely. Pressure when I was growing up in school could make a student do well or make them want to give up. I thought that the pressure I was putting on myself was quite normal. The overachiever vibes that constantly plagued me was my everyday way of living. It wasn’t until I got older and realized that not only the pressure was bad but that I had learned in a bad way the art of people pleasing. Almost like a chameleon blending into my surroundings almost effortlessly. The down side to people pleasing is learning to tune out my needs and my voice was stripping me of learning who I really was.

Monday stress

People Pleasing Skills

Listen if you want to live your life always do what everyone wants you to do-go ahead. For those who realize how harmful it can be here are a few ways in order to live your life with purpose. I used to people please the most for my parents. Always wanting them to be proud of who I was and the decisions I wanted to make. In the back of my head I knew that would never happen.

Monday people pleasing

I used to tell myself that since they were paying for my college education I had to do what they needed. So deep into the people pleasing skills I hadn’t realized that although I love my parents and respected them, they weren’t paying for my education, car insurance or any other bill. I had very limited financial support and yet I danced to their music every time. Lying and withholding information became a way of living. I hated it. The one thing I wish I could do was go back and redo college. To be respectful to my parents but also realize that I was never going to measure up would have been life changing. How many people are you people pleasing for that no matter what you do won’t accept you? Make a decision today to walk out of that mindset.

Monday Changes

I love that Mondays for me is my favorite. I start or at least attempt to have my Monday on the right foot. Cleaning the kitchen, packing lunches, setting clothes out, editing content and more are ways that I like to start my day. Sometimes with the all of the best intentions, I have woken up to pure chaos. In those chaotic moments I remind myself that this is temporary. If we are late dropping the kids off, take a deep breath and be grateful they had a safe arrival. I had to learn that often times when I would leave late that it was also a protection for something happening on the road too. Also last week I couldn’t get to the gym the 3 days that I dedicated to be there. Instead of complaining, I worked out at the house.


This Monday like all other Mondays can be stressful. Take a deep breath. Find ways to destress by understanding what you can and can’t do. I get it. We have to take steps back to place things into perspective. If something is out of your league, is there anyone that can help you? Monday be good to all of us. Happy Monday and make it amazing as you are!

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