
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Monday time

Happy Monday. I hope you had an amazing weekend. As we get geared up for such a great day let’s focus on a few areas. What we eat and what we take on.

Time Management

I get that so many feel they don’t have the time to eat. I find that may mean proper time management. How did you start your day? Did you make a plan? What do you need to get your day started? For instance I need to know what I am wearing so I set my clothes out the night before. That saves me 15 minutes and a bed full of clothes. I also need to be able to make my coffee. So I set my favorite cup of the day on my Keurig. I set the coffee pod on top of the machine as well. I know I need 15 minutes to make my breakfast and set out the family’s vitamins. So this may mean setting a timer to give me 20 minutes of time do do just that. Setting your day starts with time management.

Monday time

We all now life happens. From sleeping through your alarm to kids not doing what they need to do. I elect to get up and started about 30 minutes before I get them up. This way if anything should happen I am together and can guide the kids to a better prepared morning. Also I need that time to decompress in the morning too.

Wellness Monday

What is wellness to you? Do you do a wellness check? I do often. I look at the food I’m eating. Do I need to take a few things out of my diet? The holidays are here I am eating all of the goodies and without guilt. The biggest reason is that I balance my eating. I am not eating 50 desserts and 50 vegetables perse but I am making sure that I am getting what I need. I am checking in that I add down time. This weekend was a perfect example. I have been on go that I added in some family time and we enjoyed brunch with Santa. Afterwards I did some content but for the most part I was on my couch purposely and excited about it.

Monday wellness

Mental Health Check In

I saw something online that not every bad experience is trauma. There’s so much truth to that. I had an experience this weekend with 2 businesses behind the scenes. I will be getting them hopefully worked out today. However it didn’t push on my trauma levels. However although not every bad experience isn’t trauma it can trigger trauma to someone who hasn’t done a mental health check. This time of year is hard. Something small can ignite a fire storm in someone. If you need more therapy during this time-get it. Last Thanksgiving I started my day with a therapy session. It was what I needed. You will see many people consider themselves an expert I know like you, I am an expert on me. I know what makes me tick and what makes me uneasy. So listen less to others and trust yourself.

Monday Goals

What do you want to accomplish today? For me I plan to organize my week and use my white board. I also want to get some of the areas in my home I didn’t get cleaned clean. Lastly I want to be able to finish content I didn’t get the opportunity to finish. So I am being intentional with my timing. I won’t be surfing on the web aimlessly. I also want to put in a few pitches. Keeping in mind that some places will close for the holidays first quarter pitching should be in now or finalized this week. Whatever your goals are, be clear and don’t waste your own time. Don’t go down the rabbit hole of social media only to find that you have allowed an hour or so to go by.

Monday coffee

Whatever you need remember you got it! I wish you a Monday full of greatness. I hope your coffee (or tea) is heavenly and that you crush every goal you have on your plate.

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