
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

So you are moving along on your goals but you find you are getting discouraged.  A part of that could be life.  Another part of reaching goals that makes things a bit difficult is when you don’t master the art of moving in silence.  Think about it.  A lot of distractions come from outsiders.  It comes in the form of questioning or feeling as if you have to justify your moves to others.  You are going to have to make some moves that don’t require an amen corner. Learn to guard what you are doing.  This doesn’t mean you have to walk through life in total quietness it just means be careful who you share your stuff with.  Not everyone is legitimately rooting for you.  Some are looking for you to fall or fail.

So when you need to pull back on how much you talk is one when you find yourself justifying your actions.  Its one thing for someone to have a difference in opinion on something you are doing.  They may be able to offer insight to help you get there quicker, but when you find yourself having to justify the plan than check yourself.  Let me give you an example, if you are working on a project where all is well but you have your naysayer in the background asking, well can you finish it?  What about the way I did it?  I think you are off base.  I think you can only go this far since that’s what I did….these are all things that are clear indicators you need to walk in silence.

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When you walk in silence only the key players are on a need to know basis.  You don’t directly or indirectly have to let anyone know what or where you are going.  Now I used to work for a company and they all would announce their goals to each other.  Did some fail? Absolutely more failure than success at times.  However they were all of the same mind. You share your dreams with others who don’t want to expand, aren’t looking to do better, and don’t want to make moves outside of choosing a new topic to complain and wonder why you feel like your energy has been sucked out of you.  Stop sharing things with everyone.

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Oh and on another note.  I love the ones who use subliminal messages especially on social media.  Don’t do it.  First do not kid yourself that you have a following of folks that want to know every step you take.  There are a million people doing the same thing you are doing. If you don’t want folks in your business than stop baiting people and then say mind your business.  Don’t post what you don’t want others to know.  You know the post you post a picture of you holding your significant other’s hand that you haven’t revealed, but get mad when someone says who is that. It amazes me the millions of don’t ask me about my life after I posted what I ate, who I am with, who I hate, who I love…..This year move in silence and let your goals speak for you.  Trust me your goals will do a better job.

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