
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

As we have taken part in another MLK day, I have so many mixed emotions.  I have done my duty as a parent to instill in my kids the importance that they need to be accepting of others even though based on their own skin color they may not get that in return.  I have since my kids are under 8, shield them from a larger scale of the recent events but finding my own voice to still give them the messages that they will no doubt face.  That in itself has been hard.  I am very concerned in the balance of restricting imagery but not take away from the message.  So I spent more of my time researching the facts.  I have also attempted to keep it real but not tamper with my kids spirit.  They have to live in this world and know they can go through the fire but not get burned.  I could paint an ugly world.  I see that everyday.  I see adults do some damaging things to kids. I see race riots.  I see violence within communities and to communities.  I have had to take social media and blogging breaks more in 2016 than when I started 2 years ago.  Life can be confusing, complicated, and difficult.

I reflect on how even in elementary school I had to take a few fights for being called a Nigger.  I had teachers change my grades because I wasn’t seen as valuable.  So I will never let my kids think we live in a cookie cutter world.  As I rewatched the I have a dream speech today the very things that Dr. King spoke gotten better and other things seem as we have all dipped back in the 60’s.  So when all the service projects have ended, will we be a nation that can stand arm in arm with others who look differently and drop the hate?  Will my kids have to worry about being called a Nigger?  Will they be arrested for no reason, beat or even God forbid killed for no reason? My mother answer says no not mine.  My reality answer is Lord help us all.  The fact that just because these are issues that touch predominately brown people, people with disabilities, gay or lesbian, etc., the reality is that these issues touches us all.

In a few days we will have a new president.  Everything that we know will change.  That is fact.  The way that president-elect Trump to basically bring in his own team, fired many that have more political tenure then he, further let’s me know that.  It doesn’t matter if I like or agree with his political appetite or not.  Honestly I haven’t given too much thought on what type of president he will be.  What I am seeing now has been all over the place as well as a general inability to understand the policy that Trump brings.  What I will do is stay vigilant in keeping my home a safe haven.  A place where my family can come and have peace from the world.  A place where we can do what we need to do behind the scenes so we can take that same message of love outside of the home.

I will however have a voice.  I will use that voice in the coming weeks, months and years to come up with solutions.  I will find a way to let Dr. King’s words live in me.  It is more critical now to implement what he preached and make our kids see the same.  I pray that today was more than the once a year help others day.  What are you doing all year-long?  Do you take medication to the elderly? Do you know of a family who needs support?  Do you give a single mom or dad some assistance even if it’s just a home cooked meal?  We have to do more across the board than just giving this one day.  What reflection have you given to Dr. King’s legacy other than posting a meme?  It is time to apply Dr. King’s message to our everyday lives.

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