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Quintessence Theatre presents: A Winter’s Tale

A Winter’s Tale by Shakespeare is one of the plays that I love the most. A story of Leontes who is the King of Sicily becomes jealous and overcome of his thoughts that his best friend, Polixenes is having an affair with his pregnant wife, Hermione. We all know how difficult it can be in life to deal with a jealous spouse but you haven’t seen portrayed so strongly until you have seen A Winter’s Tale.

The Unsung Hero in A Winter’s Tale

The acting which I will get to is absolutely outstanding. It takes a lot skill to be able to bring the sense of rage and anger into some of these roles. The unsung hero in this production goes to the Production Team. The use of lighting helped to illustrate when Leontes was having one of his manic rages. His ability to speak in a way that let you know he had truly gone mad couldn’t have happened without the Production Team. I loved every element that was brought to bring this production to light. If seen this play done many times but this was standing ovation worthy.

Leontes played by Michael Zlabinger

Seeing that I just all of these actors in The Alchemist it brings a fresh perspective to their acting skills. Michael played the Hell out of King Leontes. I saw such depth that I almost thought Hermione had cheated on him too. His ability to bring such emotion into this production was out of this world. The manic, the anger, the depth of sorrow-Michael deserves his flowers. I had to be contained because I really wanted to get up and shout out loud. He nailed it.

Hermione played by Hillary Parker

The sheer beauty and brilliance that Hillary showcased was outstanding. She brought us into her character and she didn’t let us go. Its important that Hermione was accused of cheating while she was pregnant. Only to be taken into captivity by her own husband. She gave birth and had that child put out of the kingdom. The emotion that as a Mother I felt was real. Hillary is an excellent actress. I was proud to be a woman at that moment watching her. Her portrayal was flawless and engaging.

Polixenes played by Amari Ingram

What a way to end a trip than to come and visit your friend and be accused of having an affair with your friends wife? An utter shame of being betrayed by your friend in such a dark way. To have to hold that hurt and pain and also have two children be taken by your sheer presence. Some people in real life operate like that. Your sheer presence making them uncomfortable.

Amari can really act. I loved his innocence in his role. When he would later on have to talk to his son, Florizel, played by Travoye. That conversation was deep. Amari loves what he does and it comes out in his acting. He is such a fresh breath of creative energy. The complexity of later realizing that your son wants to marry the man who accused you of participating of adultery of his wife-its almost like a modern day day time story.

Strong Casting

A Winter’s Tale is full of amazing actors and actresses. All of them are completely strong in their roles. Together this entire performance is in my top 5 for the year so far. I attend quite a few productions a month and this was absolutely one to attend. You can see both The Alchemist as well as The Winter’s Tale until April 17th as it was just extended. You can get the tickets separately or you can get a two show pass which I highly recommend.

A Winter’s Tale Safety Initiative

Philadelphia has gone back to masks for indoors that takes place on Monday April 18th. However, like most theatre, Quintessence Theatre has always as that you show proof of vaccination as well as keep your masks on for the duration of the play.

Thank you to Quintessence Theatre for having me. A special thank you to Carrie Gorn as well.



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