
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

So today if you are reading this is the start of something beautiful

My mom always said I ran my mouth too much and I say thanks mom

I love to inspire myself and others why not blog?! No brainer right?!

Have a dream something you said you wanted to do but hesitated cause you were sure how others would perceive you?! Take a moment to live in the moment and then once you do sit and think of how that would look.

It’s not even the New Years so don’t get caught in tradition-what’s your dream? What will it cost you? Willing to do the work?! Let’s move towards that

By this time next year I want my blog to have more than just my friends as followers I want at least 50 to start with that come to me and says what is she talking about cause I need help and I’m here to do just that!!



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