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The Drab Look Increasing Self Care

Holiday time is upon us and ladies well some of us will put energy into everything and everyone but ourselves.  So by now you have eaten so much food and now you are looking at those jeans that fit extra snug and for some has caused a feeling of guilt. For some you have met up with family and seen friends who looked so fierce while looking at yourself thinking this is what I’m looking like?! Let’s increase self care!

Drab Feeling and Self Care

Now here comes the put down and comparisons. If you are single, married, divorced it doesn’t matter as a woman we all share the unique bond of feeling the drab feeling.  What is the drab feeling?! That feeling of blah, discontentment, and an overall sense of the body blues.  It’s easy to feel that way for me I’ve had my 3rd child and at delivery I was a cough cough 250 big and pregnant little baby making blimp. Haha don’t tell me about weight lol but I dropped a lot of the weight off and now I’m at 150. Let’s thank breastfeeding for that!! However I have a little ways to go.

Our body and how to Defeat the Drab look

For me my hair is the first place I’ll start. After having my last beauty (yes last-try me not in my Tamar voice) my hair literally started falling out in clumps. No one told me about this joy of birth. If you are one of my friends on fb and you would have to be to be reading this you have seen me go from my long locks to weaves, to braids whatever made me feel beautiful. However one thing I made sure I did was talk to my doctor and a professional hair professional.

Hair is important like super important it frames our face and is one of the first things we see. If you can’t afford to see that lovely but pricey hair stylists-see alternatives. There are hair schools that offer discount for your hair at like 50% off services. Just be careful since some students are just that students. However don’t knock it some of the same stylists you love to frequent came from the same places. We know how much hair appointments can be apart of our self care-let’s do more of that.


Now to face-drink plenty of water to clean and clear trouble skin and get a skincare regime that is perfect for you. Also if you want to experiment with makeup see a professional. Yes places like Mac will help you create a look that is sure to please. You may say I don’t have M.A.C. money that’s fine. You can go and get tips and then visit your local CVS or other drugstore and Walmart and get the same types of makeup at discount prices. Don’t be afraid to use coupons too.

Change Clothes-Self Care Edition

Let’s go to clothes-um if you are on a budget like me then buy some key staple pieces and build. Also my trick during the holidays instead of saying you don’t know what you want when that special person asks you what you want ask for gift cards. Some say it’s so informal but it’s not. Getting gift cards will take away your excuse of not having what you want and the look you want to achieve. Shop with said gift cards and please get your size. At my 150 pounds I can’t rock small no mo I am delivert-sorry I had to but if large is where it’s at rock the best looking large that’s for you.

What’s in a Shoe?

Shoes-I love shoes and well shoes make the outfit. If you are like me I love online shopping I actually hate shopping at the actual stores but sometimes you have to when you don’t know how a stores shoes fit. One of the things I did after 3 months of having my baby was found me a heel that I could feel sexy, confident and beautiful in. Nothing’s worst than seeing a woman who can’t walk in her shoes. So find something you love if you aren’t smiling in the mirror than put it back. Please shop the size you can fit and not the one you wish you could. Yes clearance is ok but don’t get a small shoe talking bout you gonna fit them by summer-get coupons and get your size.

I hope that if you are in a drab feeling that you take the time to invest in yourself.

Last point and then I’m done if you can’t afford a spa-like most of us-take once a month and turn your bathroom into a spa. Que? Yes turn your own home into a spa. Buy a luxurious soap or body wash, turn the music up and take the longest bath or shower ever. Wrap tight in our towel and spend some quality time with yourself and your own thoughts. Don’t tell me about kids etc. I got 3 and I do this often to center myself. Find a lotion or oil you love and lather up. Place the warmest and sexiest lingerie or pajamas you got and find a magazine or book or music and enjoy an hour of just you time!

Updated October 2021

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