
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

The Wellness Refinery

As promised I am writing about my experience at The Wellness Refinery. I went there on this past Sunday and its definitely at the top of my self care list. If you never heard of The Wellness Refinery let me give you a quick introduction, what to expect, and how to use it for self care and wellness.

What is The Wellness Refinery?

The Wellness Refinery is your one stop wellness shop. From the store that has crafted wellness items like vitamins, facial masks, and more is available. You can shop their store online too. They also have a café that has all types of drinks from wellness shots, smoothies, and pressed drinks they have you covered. It also is the home of the Infrared Sauna. I did the single sauna but they also have a double sauna if you and your loved one or friend wanted to do it together. The Wellness Refinery is all about community. They do workshops and drives like the one they are doing with Girls Give Back to go to No more Secrets.

Why The Wellness Refinery for me?

I decided for Valentine’s Day and most holidays what do I want or need. During Christmas I try to get any and all equip I may need for the blog/podcast. For Valentine’s Day I decided in lieu of more clothes and shoes to opt for the gift of experience. Philadelphia has so much to do and to see that going to The Wellness Refinery made sense. As I attempt to carve out more time for myself in self care and wellness it has to be about action.

So although I do the at home things like reading, taking a nap, going to hair/nail salon, or simply shutting my family out for a small period of time-I need to step out of my home from time to time. The Wellness Refinery in providing the Infrared Sauna has a lot of benefits. I already use an infrared mask at home for my face every 6-8 weeks.

Benefits of Infrared Sauna

With trying anything new I am a researcher. I didn’t simply rely on their site. I wanted my information to be independent of them. So I went to the Mayo Clinic for my information. The benefits that stuck out to me that mattered to me were sweating. Sweating is good to help with maintaining health. Infrared seems to be safer than traditional saunas. Also detoxing the body naturally, helps aid in sleep, and of course the skin. If you decided to do the infrared sauna do it for you. Wellness refinery

What to Expect at The Wellness Refinery?

Drink plenty of water the day of your session. It’s still a sauna. You will lose a lot of water. The sauna is hot. If you aren’t sure how your body will respond get the introductory package of 2 30 minute sessions. I got the 45 minute session. Be comfortable. I was okay with just my towel. The room is completely private. So no one other than if you get the 2 people sauna will see you. Some prefer to wear a bathing suit or shorts and a t-shirt. It’s hot and I elected to have the towel only experience. The rooms are clean.

wellness refinery

I wore loose fitting clothes to and from. I wore something different than what I came in and it was just for personal preference. They will give you a special wipe for your body and one for your face. They also provide water. Bring a book to read or your phone. Your phone can be plugged in to listen to a podcast or listen to music. Its protected from the heat. I personally didn’t bring a book. Instead I elected to listen to music. I made up an affirmation playlist. More on that this weekend. This way this quiet time would be useful in helping pour into myself.

Also a good cleansing cry. I didn’t realize until I sat in that sauna how much stress I had pint up in my body. A good cry allowed me to release whatever was on my heart. That alone makes me want to come in. I know it sounds crazy but I needed that moment.

Inside of the sauna there is a countdown and that is your indication on the time you have left. When it gets to 00 your time is up. You can also use the infrared capability to change the colors or keep it at colors that matter to you.

Thanks to my husband for hearing me on the gift of experience. Thank you to the staff at The Wellness Refinery PHL for being so kind. Also at the end I got the best chocolate cherry smoothie. It’s not longer available. However for the month of March they have the Minty Matcha chip smoothie. You can see my Reel of my experience.

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