
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Blog Life

We have rounded up the month of January on a high note. I plan to kick February’s butt. With that said February is love month. We will showcase a few blogs over the years covering topics for everyone during this semi rough month. It’s easy for a married couple who feel fulfilled but what about the ones who aren’t or the single?  We got you!

Be on the look out for fresh blogs. There will be a new blog for everyday this month.  That’s 28 blogs this month. How do I do it?  I love blogging and bringing new content.  Its easy doing something that you absolutely love!

Fit Life

I got sick towards the end of the week.  However I still managed to get my 4 days of working out.  My normal work out schedule is 3 days.  So I really pushed myself and that might be why I am feeling like crap today with being sick! Yes its possible to keep pushing even when in sub-zero weather you are unable to get to a gym or get outside. It takes a lot of hard work.  How I do is set a timer  For instance I do it while the kids are doing their homework.  I tell them if they are working, so can I.  Yes that’s even after going to work.  No excuses!

Kid Life

So we are still Uber parents. We still muddle around their weekend schedules.  So now that the kids seem to be over the flu we are going to kick it full force.  This week has been Catholic schools week.  There schools had a lot of activities planned. I was honored to be able to participate in the events. So from work to their school to home it has been a tiring week. I haven’t been able to do much else but it was well worth it.

Personal Life

If you read yeserday’s blog that sort of recapped the month you know I finally finished my vision board. I am excited to have it all done. With that in mind now its time to take my vision board to a place of action.  How are you working towards your goal?  You know they say February is when people fall off, so don’t let it be  you.  Also towards the end of the week I got sick.  With that I feel all of your senses down.   I have not liked that feeling off.  Lucky for me I have had some amazng friends send me some dope reminders right when I needed them of all dope of a person I am becoming. I am my own worst critic. I often am hard on myself so no one else can be.  So this new month I look forward to keep pushing and my personal goals i wll share are:

  1. Position: This means making sure I am where I need to be so I can do what I need to do to bring the blessings that are on their way
  2. Counseling-I plan on making sure I enroll in a few more sessions. Winter months are the toughest and I’m the one who needs to make sure that I can manage myself better
  3. Crush my own personal goals

So with all of that in mind, I hope you have a great weekend! I personally can’t wait until we warm up some! These brutal cold winds have me reconsidering if the East is where I need to reside! Stay safe! Do something nice for yourself and others!

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