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Who is Afraid of Virginia Woolf by Edward Albee

This complex showcase of marriage is unraveling right in the eyes of company. Marth played by Susan Riley Stevens and George played by Greg Wood leave a party given by Martha’s father. As they get home the drinks start to pour even though it was a long night. Martha reveals that a (young) couple is coming over, Nick (played by Brandon O’Rourke, and Honey played by Anna Bailey reveals some truths, lies, and the unraveling of a couple at their lowest moments.

Brandon O’Rourke, Anna D Bailey, Greg Wood, and Susan Riley Stevens in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Photo by Mark Garvin.

Before you go to Walnut Street Theatre

There is ample parking in a lot right next to the theater. The pros of this are that you won’t have to waste time circling the block. The parking is about 25 dollars. The showing of this production is about 3 hours including an intermission. Since the show is that long it may be wise to have dinner in the city before you see it. There are plenty of amazing places to eat within walking distance. Many of them are connected so make sure you mention that you are seeing a show you may get a discount off your meal.

Susan Riley Stevens in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?Photo by Mark Garvin.

Get to the theatre in enough time to beat the crowds waiting for a snack to take into the show. There are at least two bars to go to. Make your way to either the one on the floor that you come in or the one in the basement. They both serve the same things. You are going to want to get comfortable. Although masks are optional keep in mind in theatre that you will be proximity to other people so having one wouldn’t hurt. Also, this show in my opinion is not suited for anyone under the age of 18.

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Twisted Tails

One of the things that you will see during the production is Martha and George’s banter escalate. This isn’t a normal back and forth between a married couple. In addition, most couples wouldn’t fight in front of others so aggressively. Some of the banter is off putting because they both are hitting way below the belt. At one point you feel sorry for George. He seems to be the one that is considered less than in the relationship at least in Martha’s eyes. The way Martha slings her insults should be an Olympic sport. George is however not void of his shots. If this was wrestling it would be Martha 1 and George 1.

Honey and Nick

There is a lot to unpack with Honey and Nick. As much as you think they are a descent couple only comparing them to Martha and George their story takes for a wild spin. A fake pregnancy, a cheating spouse, and so much more is revealed. I sat there thinking this is the reality television before reality television was even thought of.

Susan Riley Stevens and Greg Wood in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Photo by Mark Garvin.

Who is the Winner in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Honestly, I don’t want to tell you. I need you to see this for yourself. There are elements of exorcisms in this too. Adult language takes on a new meaning. Without both of those elements the unraveling wouldn’t be as strong. Susan Riley Stevens is fierce. As much as I wanted to hate her which took place for most of the show, I felt sorry for her in the end. It’s in the end you see that this game has a much deeper lost. I was shocked when I figured it out and I thought what a way to bring in such strong sense of despair in this comedic way. 

Greg Wood is genius in his portrayal of George. The whole time while Susan is slinging insult after insult again, I took his character for weak. George had tact and was exercising restraint in all the right ways until he finally unleashed. Even when he did it became a way to say, let’s end this game and go back to normalcy.

Susan Riley Stevens and Greg Wood in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Photo by Mark Garvin.

Make sure you not only see this show but tell others about it too. It will be a great time to hang out with your friends and see a great show. Thank you to The Walnut Theatre for having me. Get your tickets now as the show ends February 4, 2024.

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