
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Being a woman means life, honor, power and love.  Women are awesome caregivers but what happens after a new baby when the balance between relationship, baby, and self tug?

For my mothers, think back on when you brought home your first bundle of joy.  Remember those days when the sheer excitement of new motherhood was almost nostalgic?  For Keisha, it was a whirlwind.  In those first few weeks after having her daughter Dalila, she had lost her voice. Her voice to communicate. The combination of the hormone changes that women go through after giving birth and her daughter being sick and in the hospital her first weeks of life had her completely mute. She had no idea how to communicate to her husband on how she was feeling because she didn’t even know how she was feeling. So her husband carried them both. He did a tremendous job being there for them.

Not everyone gets the experience of having their baby, having visitors and then going home to enjoy their baby.  Some women like Keisha get dealt with medical challenges on top of trying to figure out this new responsibility.  So if you’re a new or experienced mom getting back into the groove of things seem like the hardest thing.

Now that Keisha’s daughter is 7 months she feels as if she’s got quite the handle on her wants and needs and am able to balance out her life with some wants and needs of husband and self. It’s not the perfect balance just yet but her awareness of when one is lacking is on point.

How many women have had a new baby and have neglected a spouse or other children?  Its never on purpose but it does happen.  Balance is key to show love for all who our arms have to hold and love.  Men want to feel the love too so don’t forget your big baby while you’re taking care of the new baby.  Thankfully her husband is very encouraging, strong and openly communicates when the balance isn’t there.

Keisha has learned a few things.  After giving birth for 26 hours of natural labor has made her feel like Rocky. Every time she breastfeeds she feels like superwoman. And when shes able to do so much with her baby girl attached to her she feels like she runs the world with Beyonce. Being a new Mom has made her feel like the strongest woman ever. It really made her appreciate and love being a woman. 

Her heart’s desire for her daughter is that she would remain passionate about her dreams. She also wants her daughter to surround herself with people who support her and love her. Lastly to be fearless about those dreams. They are apart of God’s purpose for her. If any one or thing comes her way to try to steer her in another direction,  know herself enough to know where she needs to be.

Her biggest goal right now is jumping back in to her own goals. Everything hit pause right after baby but slowly she’s  been pressing play. she started teaching dance at 2 months postpartum,  dancing at 4 months,  working out at 5 months now working on securing a great job by the time her daughter is a year old to further her career. Although,  she’s not sure any job will be as great as being a stay at home mom with the happiest baby alive.

She wants every woman to remind themselves that they are worth it! Sounds so cliche but we are really worth so much more than we often give credit for. 


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