
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

world mental health day

Happy Sunday. Today is World Mental Health Day. You might be asking yourself what World Mental Health Day is. It is a day for people to be able to advocate, education, as well as social stigma of those who have mental health issues. Even if you aren’t dealing with some mental health issues it’s a great day to support those who do.

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Advocate for Mental Health

You don’t have to have or speak openly about mental health to stand in the gap for those who do. Mental Health is one of those diseases that if gone unchecked and often it does can lead to other issues in health etc. So how do you advocate for others as they deal with their mental issues. Call your local government officials and speak up about ways to make mental health more accessible. Find ways to lobby. Another way you can advocate is to speak against those who take mental illness lightly. The friends and family who downplay it and speak negatively against those who have a form of mental illness is a great place to start.

i got this tshirt

Education Regarding Mental Health

Long gone are the days where people see mental health as just someone walking aimless down a busy straight who “looks” like they lost their mind. Mental health also looks like the everyday person because it comes in many forms. Educate yourself. There are so many stages, and levels of mental health. Too many times we put our own looks and stigmas on what we think it should look like. Change that.

Social Stigma of Mental Health

We tell people who are dealing with mental health that they need to speak up. However, we find that when people do speak up, many of them are then talked about, ridiculed, and mistreated for doing just that. Ask yourself if you were in the same boat how you would want to be treated. Do not put someone down for their issues. Quiet as it kept, we all have something going on the inside. Some people tend to hide it better (worse) than others. We need to put true understanding into the atmosphere. Not everyone is able to deal with other people’s mental health issues. However, we can all be in support of allowing others the ability to receive the help that they need without judgment.

woman in anxiety

Everyone’s Treatment Varies

What worked for me in my time of mental health issues may not work for others. There are many areas of treatment available. Encourage those around you to do what is best for them. Too many times we want to put a generic blanket on treatment and there are too many options available. The point is encouraging those to seek the help, offer the help, and make it affordable. Mental health care is health care. The more we realize that the better off we all will be.

Personal Journey with Mental Health

Anxiety and depression are what I deal with often off and on. Anxiety more than depressive moods. However, since I am aware that I personally deal with it I have a plan of action. This was achieved with the help of my therapist. Having a plan before an episode occurs has helped me identify and aid in my own personal recovery. I have talked vividly about my issues with Postpartum Depression. Women are expected to have a baby and bounce back physically and mentally. It doesn’t happen that way for many. I also dealt with anxiety a lot more than I let on from grade school on. High functioning anxiety is real.


Using my Voice

When I started this blog, it was because of my Postpartum. I needed a creative outlet and writing was something that I absolutely loved. Where I can openly speak up others are not. It is important to have those who are not afraid to speak up do so. It creates a clear path for those who suffer in silence have the strength to get the help that they need. Where they can’t speak, I use my voice for the voiceless. So, when I am being told that I share more than others, it is because when I was going through my toughest times, I researched I couldn’t find me in print form.  I needed a me to talk about how they got through lonely and confused moments. Also if you want to know about my issues with mental health care you can listen to my podcast episode and the one with my husband, Marques where we talk about living with someone with mental health issues.

If you or someone you know is in the middle of a crisis here is the suicide prevention number1-800-273-8255 or text 74141 to reach a licensed health care professional.

Help with Mental Health Care

Also beyond suicide is just being there for someone or giving them the resources they need to get the help. Maybe being on a 3 way call as you encourage them to make an appointment for therapy. You can also be assisting them in transportation. Or asking open ended questions that require more than a YES or NO answer. Being there by not making light of others. You never know who in your circle is fully aware of the ignorant things said.

Grace Through Mental Health

Mental health is a serious matter. With that being said, be aware of when you are in a low mood. It’s okay to have low moments. Don’t forget that you don’t have to every moment of the day figured out. Give yourself grace.

I wish that someone reading this will feel secure.  You are not the worse of your experiences. You are more than your mental health!! Take as many breaks as you need. Remember the person you compare yourself to is dealing with inner issues too. May today and every-day be graceful.



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